
Monday, April 11, 2011

Brownstone Magazine Site is LIVE

Hi Brownstone Readers, The day has finally come! Brownstone Magazine is now live. Please visit to view the new site. As a quick reminder, we will no longer be updating this blog. Check into Brownstone Magazine each month for more content and more fun. We hope that you enjoy Brownstone Magazine as much as you've enjoyed the blog. -- Brownstone Team

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Spring Staycations

Birds are chirping, the sun is shining, and mall mannequins are trading in their bulky wools for light florals. This could only mean one thing, spring is here! And with this change in weather brings the longing to drop your school books, take a vacation, and just get away. Of course realistically you can’t simply hop on a plane and get out of town. So, I’ve come up with a few “staycations” you can take in your own city that will make you feel like you’re miles away from home.

Take a Hike: Enjoying a hiking trail is one of the best ways to feel like you’re far away from the city when in reality you may only be a few minutes away from the hustle & bustle. Eaton Canyon in Pasadena is one such trail. About 20 miles outside of LA, this hidden treasure is filled with streams, brooks, and even leads to a waterfall! My friends and I visited this trail the other day and had the best time. Not only is it a good opportunity to exercise but the scenery is gorgeous. People bring picnic lunches to eat in front of the waterfall and there were even some guys who brought guitars to give an impromptu concert. With the greenery and the trickling sound of the waterfall you feel like you’re far away from home. And the best part? All of this is free!

Drive In Movies: Going to indoor movie theatres is such a normal thing to do. Why not switch it up, enjoy the warm weather, and save some money? Most Drive In Movie Theatres, such as the Van Buren Drive In Theatre in Riverside, CA that I used to frequent as a teen, show two movies for the price of one and allow you to watch from outside your car. My friends and I used to bring all kinds of snacks and goodies to munch on while we laid out on our blankets in the grass. Not only do you get more bang for your buck but you get to revel in the beautiful weather you’ve been waiting for all year.

Whale Watching: If you’re lucky enough to live by the coast, whale watching is a must do. For around 30 dollars you can take a 2.5 hour boat ride with a knowledgeable tour guide in the hopes of seeing Humpback whales! Even if you don’t spot any whales on your trip you’re guaranteed to see dolphins which are just as exciting. After your trip you can head home or bring your towel and bathing suit with you and make it a beach day.

Kayaking: Want to do something adventurous? Try kayaking. I was shocked to find out that at Kayaks In the Water in Long Beach, you can hit the water for only $8! Kayaking is a great activity to do with friends on your spring break or with your special someone on a date. It can be both strenuous and serene and the ideal activity to shake up your weekend. See, you don’t have to travel miles away to get a little taste of vacation! Have fun and enjoy the spring sunshine :)

-- Karissa Allen

Brownstone Team

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Acne and Young African American Skin

A good black skin care regimen, do you have one? You're never too young to start taking care of your skin. As a young African American you’re taught to be aware of your looks. But when acne introduces itself it has a tendency to make you feel self-conscious. Have you looked into the mirror lately and not liked what you see all because you’ve got black heads and pimples all over your face? Did you know that changing your lifestyle could be your best acne treatment? Why? Because the results will be long-term and the changes that you make will be good for more than just your skin. Your overall physical health, mental health and skin health will benefit. Acne can actually be controlled by the foods you choose to eat. Some of the foods you might want to avoid: • Pizza • Soda – caffeinated and decaffeinated, regular and diet • Breads made with enriched refined or white flour, this includes muffins, cookies, rice cakes and crackers. • Processed foods with trans fatty acids and partially hydrogenated vegetable oils • Dairy products — that means your cheese, milk, ice cream and half-and-half • French fries and white potatoes • Coffee • Sugar Are you wondering what’s left for you to eat? Here are some suggestions: • Fish and Poultry, but not fried. Baked, grilled, broiled or lightly sautéed is the way to go. • Vegetables — baked, steamed or broiled. When we say vegetables were talking about healthy green ones, white potatoes don’t count. • Fruits — most fruits are good but we’re not including lemons, limes, grapefruits and oranges. • Herbal teas • Bread and cereals made from whole grain The secret to making these foods work is that if you have anywhere from 5 to 10 servings of vegetables and/or fruits every day, they’ll provide you with the fiber needed and give you plenty of antioxidants to nourish your skin. Instead of picking up a bag of chips or a can of soda, how about a salad, vegetable or fruit and a bottle of water? Using natural products and maintaining a healthy eating regimen is a great prescription for treating acne on young African American skin. -- Juliette Samuel Guest Blogger Author's Bio Juliette Samuel is a person who definitely knows beautiful when she sees it. Juliette has had a very eclectic career working in and around the beauty industry. She has worked as an instructor at the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City. She has also been a Professional Image Consultant. Currently Juliette works as a Skin Care Therapist, acting President and Chief Nose for NYRAJU Skin Care. As such she is in charge of product formulation and development of all scents produced for the line. Juliette is also a member of NAHA-The National Association of Holistic Aromatherapy, The Society of Cosmetic Chemist and is the Fragrance Editor for BellaOnline. What does that do for you? It keeps Juliette on her toes when it comes to the type of information that she’ll be able to share with you as readers of her blog or articles that she publishes on and off the web.