
Sunday, September 20, 2009

Passion for Fashion

This past week was Fashion Week in New York City. The fashion trends and styles shown during Fashion Week will definitely be the influence for clothing hitting the shelves in Spring 2010. Clothing, of course, is a necessity, but can embody so much more. As a teenager, there may be many aspects of your life that are out of your control such as the curfew set by your parents or the History quiz given every Friday in 5th period. However, fashion is one thing that is in your hands. Or is it? Is your statement the same as your friends and classmates, or do you choose to step outside of the box and be bold?

At Fashion Week there was minimal representation by minorities. However, the label ARISE: The African Collective provided a breath of fresh air showcasing the creations of a Nigerian designer, Folake Folarin-Coker. It is apparent in her designs and her decision to use more models of color than her counterparts, that her culture is the root of her inspiration. Not everything you put on your back can evoke a message, but when the opportunity arises, why not take it?

While President Obama was running for election, there was an outpour of political messages expressed through fashion. Whether it was a t-shirt, hat or scarf, President Obama’s face was everywhere showing who was in support of Obama’s vision and even started dialogue between people who would have never spoken to each other. I remember while wearing an Obama shirt, being stopped in a grocery store and having a lengthy, yet fulfilling political conversation with another shopper.

How you dress is reflective of how you express your personality and inspiration. So the next time you throw something on, think about what message you’re sending. Is it YOUR message? How do you use fashion to make a statement? I’d love to hear your answers!

-- Martine Rouzan
Brownstone Team

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