
Saturday, October 17, 2009

Risky Business

Did you know that one in three girls in the United States get pregnant before the age of 20? Did you know that there are 750,000 teen pregnancies each year? Did you know that teen mothers tend to score lower in the subjects of math and reading? Did you know that teenage mothers are more likely to drop out of high school?

If you are not a teen mother then these facts may not directly affect you, but if you are sexually active you are definitely involving yourself in risky business, and only contributing to these startling statistics. Teen pregnancy is an issue that is becoming more and more common. Today, teenage pregnancy seems just as normal as the mohawk hair cut. Teenagers seem to live by the saying “It won’t happen to me” which often lands them a spot in a very sticky situation…such as teen pregnancy.

Life is all about decisions. The decisions you make will affect your life in some way. Babies are expensive little creatures. Sometimes a part-time job at McDonald’s will not allow you to provide a baby with everything they need and still have money left over for you to hang out with friends or buy a new pair of name brand shoes. As a matter of fact, let’s take a look at how much it costs to just have a baby …labor and recovery. If you do not have insurance expect an average hospital bill of $5,000- $10,000…that’s if you have a vaginal birth. Add another $2,000 if you have to have a c-section. This price is JUST the hospital stay, it does not include monthly visits while you’re pregnant, ultrasounds, or the extra stay in the hospital if your baby is premature. Pretty steep huh? That’s more than the pair of shoes you wanted for the Homecoming dance. With all this being said, I urge you to make responsible decisions and think before you participate in risky business.

There’s an old saying that goes “when you know better you do better.” Therefore, there may be some of you that may not know how to prevent teen pregnancy or there may be some of you that just need a mind refresher; here are a few ways to prevent teenage and unplanned pregnancy.

1. Birth control: you can go to your local health department and ask for birth control. The doctors will be able to tell you what method is best for you.
2. Protection: ALWAYS use protection. You may also go to your local health department for free condoms.
3. ABSTINENCE: This is the only 100% way to prevent pregnancy. Please note that neither condoms nor birth control are 100% effective in preventing pregnancy. Abstinence is the ONLY way to stay baby free!

Please remember that a baby is a major responsibility that will make you “grow up”…probably before you’re ready. Before you decide to take part in risky business, if you do not think about anything else please think about how much it costs to have a baby, the cost of formula, clothes, and diapers, and even just not being able to hang out with friends the way you would like to. MTV has an excellent show, which gives audiences an upfront and personal experience on what it takes, how much it takes, and the quick reality of being a teenage parent. MTV’s 16 and Pregnant, gives a real life account of what teenage parents have to go through and the life changing decisions they have to make along with the consequences of their decisions. I encourage you to have fun and live your life and remember that there is plenty of time for children, but until that time comes, be aware of risky business.

--Nakeitra Hill
Guest Blogger

Nakeitra Hill is a graduate of Mississippi State University. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences along with a Master of Science degree in Health Education/ Health Promotion. Nakeitra is also a Certified Health Education Specialist and Personal Trainer who is passionate about the health of the African-American community.

1 comment:

  1. Good article!! I hope the young ladies that read this article will take the information you have provided to heart.
