
Monday, December 7, 2009

Check me Out!

Crushes can be fun and then they can be agonizing. Fun if he’s showing interest in you by flirting back and agonizing when it seems as if he doesn’t even know you’re alive. Let’s keep it real…it can suck, especially when the girl who is known for being fast is pulling out all her tricks to get his attention too. So what do you do? Of course you want to get him to notice you, but you don’t want to lose respect for yourself in the process. So, I want you to put away that dress that shows everything ya mama gave you and take notes! Here are some DO’S and DON’TS to getting your crush to take that second look and check you out:


  • Talk to him. Introduce yourself. Say hi if you pass him the hall. Ask how he’s doing. Talking to him will open up communication between the two of you. Guys like it when you show interest in the things they like to do.
  • Friend him on Facebook. Ask him to be your friend on FB then you can post cute pictures of you and your friends. But remember to keep it classy ladies! Believe me if he likes what he sees he’ll be hitting you up. Don’t overdo it with FB though, you don’t want to become a stalker. (see below)
  • Wear a nice perfume. Don’t bathe in it though…use in moderation! When you pass him in the hall, he’ll get a whiff and he may just compliment you on your fragrance. Guys like the smell of something sweet.
  • Offer to help me. Maybe your crush is having trouble in Spanish or some other class. Offer to work with him (don’t do the work for him) during lunch or after school. You can gain his respect, friendship and trust at the same time.
  • Be yourself! Don’t try and act different to catch a guy’s attention. I hate to sound cliché, but if he doesn’t accept you for you then he’s not for you. Therefore you need to keep it pushin’!


· Be quiet. A closed mouth doesn’t get fed. If you never say anything to him then he’ll really never know that you exist. I know it can be scary, but if he’s worth it you’ll take the risk.

· Wear revealing clothes. Hoochie clothing is not cute! You don’t want to send the wrong message and get more than you can handle.

· Stock his Facebook page. You might come off a little thirsty if you’re the only one leaving comments on all of his picture/wall.

· Stare obsessively. If he catches you staring at him too many times he may think you’re a little psycho.

· Let your friends talk for you. Your friends aren’t the ones who like him. You are…so do the talking. Besides it can start to annoy guys when they keep getting bombarded with questions from your friends. Plus, you wouldn’t want him to start liking one of your friends…

--Tymika Morrison
Brownstone Team

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