
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Brownstone 2.0: Check out the Tech Corner

If you're a girl who loves learning about the latest gadgets or anything related to tech for that matter...and even for you're an undercover geek who is ashamed to reveal her techy side ;) - then you'll love our new section called the Tech Corner. Each month, we'll talk about some of the newest products and trends coming out in technology. Check out this month's post:

Can You Hear Me Now?
What would you do if your mom could listen in on your calls?...and she found out that you were skipping P.E. to hang out with your friends. Or what would you do if your dad could check your text messages?...and saw that you called him a fat loser when he wouldn't let you go to your crush's party last week. Well beware this may be an available feature on cell phones very soon!

Last week, the Taser International (the company that makes Taser guns to help law enforcement subdue unruly suspects) announced the Protector Family Safety Program--a series of products designed to help parents monitor and control what their kids are doing with their phones. Scary huh?
Here are some of the Protector's key features:
  • Provides a summary report of incoming and outgoing numbers of people you call or text
  • Allows parents to listen to actual calls and read text messages
  • Provides software that parents can use to route any inbound call, text, or e-mail, so that parents can allow it, block it, send it through, listen in, or record the conversation
  • Set "favorites" list to let some calls and messages go through according to parent's approval
  • Examine e-mail attachments

The purpose of the Protector is to monitor inappropriate behavior and of course for safety, but do you think it's a little too much? Do you think the Protector violates the trust between a parent and their child? How would you feel if your mom was using the Protector to monitor your calls? Has technology gone too far? Let us know your thoughts.

--Tymika Morrison
Brownstone Team

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