
Monday, January 18, 2010

Mother Nature’s New Installments

Is your body constantly changing? Have there been some recent unexpected developments? Are your aunts starting to make those embarrassing comments about your –dare I say!- your BOOBIES?! Or maybe that old baby fat is even disappearing and you just don’t know how to respond to these sudden changes. Here are a few pointers on getting acquainted with these new parts. First and foremost, know that you are YOUNG and these changes are probably not permanent. And even if they are here to the end, they’re most definitely nothing to be ashamed of!

1. Looking in the mirror and automatically accepting who you are becoming can sometimes be easier said than done. If you can’t accept this new body just yet, still look in the mirror and say I AM BEAUTIFUL! Don’t wait for others to compliment you, be your own cheerleader. After a while, you’ll start to believe these words of truth. :)
2. Secondly, go to that old box of pictures your parents stashed away in the attic and take a peek at those bad boys! Take a good look at how your mom or aunts went from being a cute kid AWW--> to a dorky girl OOO-->to a poised woman OO-LALA!!
9 times out of 10 your parents look nothing like they used to and filled out in all the right places!

3. Don’t be afraid to talk about it with your parents and if that’s too embarrassing, go to an older sibling, cousin, or any person you feel comfortable to talk to.
If you feel like you’re an “ugly duckling” now, think of this as your awkward growing period and that these changes are just coming little by little. The finished product hasn’t arrived yet and you will become that BEAUTIFUL SWAN we all know you to be!

4. Lastly, stay fit! Go outside! Join a club! Whether it’s dancing, soccer, basketball, hiking, or simply walking, GET ACTIVE! If you aren’t happy with who you are, do something about it, the healthy way.

Eat right, Act Right, Feel Right. These are the ways to happiness. What you put in your body, how you treat other bodies, and how you emotionally treat your body all affect your self-esteem regardless of any body change within you.

“If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude”-Maya Angelou

--Rebecca Matey
Brownstone Intern
Welcome our new intern Rebecca Matey to the blog! Rebecca is a sophomore majoring in International Relations at USC. She is also a member of USC's Saved By Grace Gospel Choir. In her free time, she enjoys playing soccer and tennis. We are excited to have her on board!

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