
Friday, February 19, 2010

Brownstone Women's Spotlight: A Profile of Trenise Ferreira

Living Her Dream

Before I tell you about my wonderful conversation with author of Seven-Oh!-Seven: Livin’ the Dream, Trenise Ferreira, I’d first like to say that she is one of the most beautiful and intelligent women here at University of Southern California. Trenise Ferreira began writing Seven-Oh!-Seven: Livin the Dream when she was fifteen years old, in December 2006. She completed the book before her graduation from Vacaville High School in Vacaville, California, in June 2008. After graduation, Trenise went on to the University of Southern California, where she majors in Broadcast Journalism and minors in Cinematic Arts. At just 19 years old, she now has her book published, and is currently writing the second installment of the Seven-Oh!-Seven Series, called Seven-Oh!-Seven: Kiss Me at Midnight.

Based on Trenise’s high school experience, Seven-Oh!-Seven: Livin’ the Dream revolves around Neece Fierro, the narrator, along with her friends and all that comes with relationships, high school, and drama! I’m so glad to be interviewing such an accomplished young woman that I can call one of my best friends here at USC! I’ve known Trenise for 2 years now and I’ve never met a person who stood by her beliefs and thoughts more. As we all grow in college, we must also be aware of the positive and negative habits people try to change in us. Since I have known her, Trenise has only grown for the better. This young, determined, and intellectual woman had her mind set on finishing a book, getting it published, and selling them everywhere and anywhere. So far, Trenise Ferreira has accomplished all of this!

Rebecca Matey (RM): Hey Trenise! What’s up? How was your weekend?

Trenise Ferreira (TF): Becca! My weekend was ok. Nothing special haha.

RM: So where did you get the idea for your book?

TF: So I was at home during winter break in high school and I was watching Laguna Beach. It got to the point where the story line was a joke and I figured I could write something better. So I told my mom, and she was like sure! Then I just started writing.

RM: Did you face any discouragement? If so, how did you make sure you kept writing?

TF: Of course! I got haters all the time. There were a whole group of kids that openly ripped on my book because they weren’t in it. But what they failed to realize is that I was writing the book from my perspective, so it isn’t false if they were missing from my story. Other than that, friends and family were completely supportive! That’s what really kept me going.

RM: What is your ultimate goal for the book?

TF: I want to be a best-selling author. I want to be a household name where every family knows about my book. My ultimate goal is to just get young people to read and I feel like I can. I am the right person for it and I want to make a difference. A lot of young people don’t read and I want to foster reading habits because reading is the best way to learn things. It takes you places you never thought you could go. In real life, you can’t always do the things you read in books, so when you read, you’re free to do all these things. The book has a message and it’s from my perspective and my experience. I want to show that this is also real life and if one girl sees herself as one of the characters and can change for the better I will be happy because too many girls are doing too much that isn’t benefiting and preparing them for the future. There aren’t enough minority role models and I want to show girls that you can be pretty and smart and not nasty to get where you want to be in life.

RM: You talk about being a role model for these girls, what female has inspired you or inspires you the most?

TF: Other than my mom, because she’s brilliant and perfect and has done everything for me, I would say J.K. Rowling. She has done what no other author could do. I mean, she got kids in kindergarten to read 900 page books! It's amazing how she could come up with something that is getting so many people to read all over the world. I want to have that kind of influence. To be able to hear kids talk about my books for days and make daily references to it like my friends and I do about Harry Potter!

RM: What have you learned from writing this book?

TF: I’ve learned that if I want to do it I can do anything. As long as I put the time and effort I can do it. Success is hard but I want it so I can get it. And I have to tell my story and if you don’t like it, at least you’ve read and hopefully learned something. I have learned so much about myself because I took the time to sit down with my thoughts and write a book. And if I hadn’t done this I wouldn’t learn what I did from writing this book.

RM: What advice do you have for our Brownstone readers?

TF: They need to know that no matter where you’re coming from or what obstacles you may face, you should always go for what you want because the only thing standing in your way is yourself. If you want to go to college, get a degree, AND become president, know that it’s possible because society is changing. We weren’t allowed to vote and now we are in congress and the senate. Never compromise for anything or anyone to get ahead because you are not going to like yourself or be happy in your “success” if you compromise who you are to get it. Many people think that if you’re a girl and want to be somewhere you have to do someone to get there. Don’t sell yourself for a dollar value!

RM: Well thanks so much for talking with me! I’m so glad the Brownstone readers have someone like you to look up to!

TF: No problem! I love what I’m doing! And want to see growth in our community!

If you would more information about the book or want to order a copy visit

--Rebecca Matey
Brownstone Intern

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