
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Change You Can Believe

Change begins with you, from your first thoughts in your waking hours, to how you interact with others each day. Maybe you’ve been having trouble getting your assignments finished in a timely manner, or perhaps you need to find a way to get more productivity out of your day-to-day activities. First, know that you can’t begin to succeed at life until you begin the process of self-empowerment. We’ve included some ideas for steps you can take to realize a more triumphant you.

Positive thinking is the first step. Remember that you are your #1 shareholder and positive energy begins with what you initially put out. Have you ever thought about saying mantras as you brush your teeth in the morning? It helps! Start telling yourself tips to help get you through your day, for instance, if you’re a procrastinator, tell yourself, “ Hey, I’m going to accomplish everything on my to-do list today.” Positive self talk, as many call it, is essential for empowerment. If this technique doesn’t work for you, how about finding some inspirational quotes and writing them in a folder to remind yourself during the day.

One such quote is, “Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me" - Carol Burnett. I have this written in my planner to challenge myself and to empower myself.

Next on your roadmap to empowerment is goal setting. It is important to keep a log of your short-term goals, as well as, your long-term goals to help you stay focused. Your day-to-day actions will have more purpose when they directly relate to a goal. has great planning worksheets to help you set you goals down on paper, they also have time management tips to help get you on track in that department as well. Also, it is important to allow yourself some flexibility. These goals are not meant to be set in stone but rather to serve as guides.

The final step is to praise yourself for a job well done. Oftentimes we go through rough patches when we feel underappreciated or when we’ve spread ourselves too thinly. However, it is important to offer praise and to reward yourself when you have reached and achieved a goal. Praise will help to reinforce that you are on the right path and that success is around the corner.

Empowerment is not an easy task, and certainly not something that happens overnight. It takes practice, commitment and drive to really push yourself to achieve. Use these steps and watch how self-empowerment can affect change and work for you.

--Amelia Jones
Brownstone Intern

1 comment:

  1. Good advice--even for older people like me.
