
Thursday, March 18, 2010

There's An App For That!

Welcome back to the Brownstone 2.0 Tech Corner! How many of you own something by Apple? If you answered yes, then consider yourself one of the privileged. I didn't get my first Apple product (an iPod shuffle) until I was 21 and that was only because it came free with my phone. In the past five years, Apple has managed to create the hottest line of tech products. From the iPod to the iMac, Apple has turned what was once considered geek into chic. But consider yourself extremely lucky, if you're one of the few (especially as a teenager) to own the grand-daddy of all Apple products, the iPhone. The iPhone is the superwoman of all smart phones. It's able to leap tall buildings in a single But no worries if you don't have one because Apple was kind enough to create a trusty sidekick, the iPod Touch, to complement its counterpart. Although, the iPod Touch lacks the phone and camera feature of the iPhone, to me it's still just as great and cheaper, which is an argument that you can make to your parents if you haven't been able to jump on the Apple bandwagon yet ;)

But the coolest thing by far about the iPhone/iPod Touch are the millions of apps available. And those famous commercials weren't lying when they said "There's an app for that!" In fact, there is an app for just about anything that you can think of. Homework, learning a language, name it and I bet there's an app for it. Looking for new apps? Check out some of the hottests apps for teens:


1. My Homework (FREE) - This app helps keep track of homework, classes, project and tests. Teens can use this to keep record of their own assignments.

2. STAT Prep ($1.99) - There are a lot of great SAT prep iPhone apps, this one is by Watermelon Express and is pretty cheap.

3. FREE Spanish Tutor - Is your Spanish no bueno? Get this app to help study and turn that C into an A!


1. Slidz Playlist Pro ($1.99) - This app allows users to create slideshows with photos, music and swirling visualizations. When you are listening to music on your iPhone, you will now be able to watch a slideshow that you created. You can easily import pictures from Flickr and your Facebook account.

2. TeenPROM ($.99) - With prom just around the corner this app is a must have! You can view the latest prom dresses and hairstyles to find the perfect look for the big night.

3. Facebook (FREE) - Hooked on Facebook? Get the app to update your friends on everything while you're on the go.


1. MASHiT ($.99) - Created for and by teen/tween girls. Inspired by the popular fortune-telling M.A.S.H. game, it includes 25 entertaining and colorful "girly" games. This simple to use app is funny and imaginative and great for groups of girls to play together.

2. Truth or Dare (FREE) - Everyone loves a good game of truth or dare. Check this app and play with your friends after school.

3. TapTapRevenge 3 ($1.99) - If you're a fan of Guitar Hero, then you'll enjoy TapTapRevenge! This game gets players to tap their fingers to the beat of their favorite songs from KE$HA and the Black Eyed Peas.

Find more apps, click here. Tell us what your favorite app is!

--Tymika Morrison
Brownstone Team

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