
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

HIStory: Learn What He Thinks About Prom

He's baaaaaacckkk! Guest blogger, Derrick Harris, is here to answer all your questions about how guys feel about prom. Check out his advice to some of the top questions asked by our readers.

1. Is it ok to ask a guy to prom? Would he say no out of fear of being made fun of?

It is ok to ask a guy to prom. Most guys like the feeling of being looked upon as “prom material." Guys would rather know that you would like them to ask you to prom. Sometimes guys just need a little guidance. I would say drop hints before you ask. The forward and direct approach is great, but sometimes a man likes to be a man and hunt!

2. Do guys still expect a hook up just because it's prom night?

There is no secret trouble seems to brew on prom night. Guys expect to get into trouble just like girls. For some reason there is the infamous hook-up expectation for this glamorous evening. Hook-ups can be as intermediate as kissing to more collegiate activities. So who is in control? You are. Be upfront with your date. Vocally express to him your views on prom and all it entails. Do not feel obligated to do anything that you do not want to do!
3. Do you really mind if we dance with another guy?

Most guys don’t mind but expect him to dance with other girls. I’d say the majority of the dancing should be with your date. If you know your date would be uncomfortable then don’t do it. You can dance with other guys at the after party.

4. What should I do if my date doesn't have have money to pay for prom?
Fundraise! Ask relatives to help you pay. Another good technique is to write a letter to the principal or prom advisor and explain your situation. Between your parents and the advisor a payment plan can typically be worked out.

5. Is it the guy's or girl's responsibility to pay for prom?

Both parties should pay equally if they are in the same grade. The guy pays for the corsage!
6. My boyfriend doesn't want to go to prom what should I do?

Express to him how much you would like him to be your date to the prom with you. If he is so stubborn that he doesn’t want to go with you then like Jay-Z says, “It’s on to the next one.”

--Derrick Harris
Guest Blogger

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