
Friday, April 2, 2010

Who You Fooling?

April Fool's Day is considered national prank day in the U.S. For one reason or another, tons of people put a lot of thought and effort into deceiving friends and family with a humorous joke. Sometimes these jokes are well executed and other times not so much. Either way it's better to be at the giving end than receiving when it comes to April Fool's Day. Thankfully, the Brownstone Team was able to survive the first day of April! Check out the team's favorite April Fool's stories.

Tymika Morrison - April 1st has always been just another day to me. I was never quite sure why people put so much effort into pulling pranks on people. I'd like to consider myself smart. You have to wake up pretty early to fool me, but yesterday I found myself slightly My new favorite inspiration site, The Daily Love tweeted "#TDL's last Tweet ever: it's been fun, try to love someone, including yourself, cuz when u do u'll love everyone else!" My heart dropped for a split second. The Daily Love tweets so many motivational quotes that empower me each day. I didn't want them to stop tweeting! Luckily it was a joke that completely caught me off guard.

Kyle Holland - So I’m riding along in the passenger seat and I have my hands held at 10 and 2 as if I’m actually the one driving. I look totally stupid because who rides around pretending to drive? Well I do and what I’m really doing is waiting on my next victim to pull up beside me. Once they notice me and how weird my hands look around my imaginary steering wheel , I’ve got them right where I want them. That’s when I suddenly pretend like I’m swerving to avoid an accident. My sudden movement always makes my prank victims swerve for no reason. It is HILARIOUS to watch them brace themselves for what they think will be the biggest car accident they've ever encountered, especially when they realize there’s no need to…lol. And then to see them get mad at me is even funnier. But hey, that’s what they get for laughing at me first!

Brittany Allen - I've never really participated in April Fool's Day, but a funny idea I got from my friend was to tie a rubber band on the little side hose of the sink that sprays water so when someone turns on the sink, they'll get sprayed in the face.

Rebecca Matey - My best friend told me he got kicked out of school and went along with it for the whole day. I didn't want to be a bad friend and tell him he was lying because if he wasn't, I'd look like a jerk. So I went along with it and ALMOST believed him. But when it came to go to sleep he finally told me. What a relief that was.

Amelia Jones - My April Fool's pranks are never successful... but a friend of mine pretended to break up with her boyfriend, had a huge argument with him and everything. She finally told him at the end of the night that it was all a joke, needless to say, he was not amused. LoL

--Brownstone Team

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