
Friday, May 7, 2010

HERstory: The Women Who Inspire Us

She may bake cookies for you when you're sad or cook you chicken noodle soup when you're sick. She may argue with you about the clothes you wear or embarrass you in front of your friends. Whatever the case, your mother gave you life and will always have your back. In honor of Mother's Day, the Brownstone Team decided to share with you what our mothers mean to us. This Sunday, don't forget to show your appreciation for your mother and the mother-like figures in your life who are shaping who you are becoming.

Tymika Morrison - My mother is my rock! Through her sacrifice and strength, she has taught me so much about the essence of being a woman. I am thankful that she gave her all in raising me because it has pushed me to give 100% in everything that I do. I am thankful that God has shown His love through my mother and has provided me with the perfect example of what unconditional love is. But on Mother's Day, I can't forget about the other women in my family who have played a part in the woman I am today. My grandmother and my aunts have supported me, given me advice when I needed it and even when I didn't, taken me on vacations, listened to my fears and dreams and so much more! I am so grateful to be surrounded by strong Black women!

Kyle Holland - Words cannot begin to describe the love and appreciation I have for my mom. Each day, I experience and understand this thing called life more and more. So, to be blessed with a mom who loves me no matter what and who supports me and my dreams (even more than I do at times) is comforting. I admire her wisdom, her strength, her beauty, her intelligence, and her overall zest for life. For all of this, and much, much more, I am so thankful to celebrate my mom on her day. She deserves the world. Love you Ma!

Brittany Allen - I love my mother because she is a strong woman of God, a fearless and faithful warrior, and also my best friend. She is the rock of my family and the quiet comforter of my heart. She always knows what to say and when to let me grow up on my own. Quiet, but with a caring gaze that says it all, she is the epitome of my soul.

Rebecca Matey - My mother is my everything. I honestly don't know where I would be without her. She has taught me the definition of strength and beauty. From being the skinny girl in Nigeria sellin' bread on the street and working to go to school, I can honestly say SHE MADE IT. This woman shows me that anything is possible. She has worked for everything she has and continues to grow even at her age. No form of education can teach me what she has. My mother is my best friend, my favorite teacher, my long lost sister. She is everything I aspire to be. The biggest lesson she has taught me is forgiveness and I thank her for that. I love my mother and can't wait to run back to her after my last final!

Amelia Jones - I appreciate my mother for all the moments of laughter we share. Being away from home can be tough and sometimes I get a little homesick, but all it takes is one phone call from my mom. Whether she is telling me silly stories about my cat or recounts the day’s adventures with her track team, she always knows what to say to warm my heart. No matter where I am, she can always make me smile.
Share with us what your mother or mother-like figures mean to you. We'd love to hear from you!
--Brownstone Team

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