
Monday, May 3, 2010

Post Graduation: Got Options?

As another school year wraps up, it's time for many seniors to make that final decision on what college they plan to attend in the fall. But not everyone goes off to a four year university after graduation. Maybe your grades weren't all that great or you want to take some time to figure out your next step. Whatever the case, even if college isn't an option right now, it still doesn't mean that you have to waste the last 12 years of education you've received by becoming a professional couch potato. You need to have a plan! Check out these post-graduation options:
  • Junior College - You may not have gotten into one of the big four year schools, but that doesn't mean that you can't go to a community college. By attending a JC, you'll save money and get a lot of your general education courses out of the way. You may not have done well in high school, however, you can make it up at a JC and apply again after you've completed your two years.

  • Trade School - The traditional academic-based college may not be your thing. Why not apply to a trade school? Trade schools allow you to focus in on a particular skill. I know you've all seen the commercials for ITT Tech! Don't may just be the right option for you. There are trade schools for technology, nursing, name it! Forget having to study Nietzsche and Aristotle, you can just focus on your niche.

  • Start your Own Business - Have you always been an entrepreneur at heart? Then start your own business. Some of the greatest companies (i.e. Facebook) were started by young adults. If you have an idea, take some classes at a community college and talk to other professionals for advice. You're never too young to start a business.

  • Get an internship - Talk to your guidance or career counselor about finding a summer internship. Most internships are unpaid, but the experience you gain is priceless! Even the greatest executives started as interns and worked their way up to the top.
  • Get a Job - Please do not let all of that good education you've received over the last 12 years go waste. Don't let the TV or Internet consume you! Instead, go out into the real world (I know it may seem scary, but it will be okay) and get some experience. The easiest job to get is at the mall. Try applying to your favorite clothing store. Even Target has great benefits I hear. Or you can get an office job. Getting a job will teach you responsibility, not to mention put a little money in your pocket.
Don't feel bad if you're not heading off to a four year college in the fall. Just remember to set goals and develop a plan. Know that you have options and that you can still become successful woman.

--Tymika Morrison
Brownstone Team

1 comment:

  1. Good advice. I think it is important for young adults to weigh their options. Besides a four year university is not for everyone. Good luck to the graduating seniors!
