
Friday, July 23, 2010

The 5 Beauty Rituals I Would Die Without

Okay, we all have beauty rituals that we would swear by. I have a few that I’m sure I would look a mess without!

1. I use my favorite Lush mask, Cupcake, once a week to keep my face smooth and soft. I really love this mask because almost everything that’s available in their store is organic and made right there in the store! Also the people who work there are usually really friendly and always try to help you look for the perfect face mask for your skin type (Another bonus is if you keep the container you got it in and turn in five the next time you visit, you get a free one). You can look online for your local Lush store:

2. For the rest of my body, I make my own exfoliater. I mix olive oil, brown sugar, and cinnamon to make sure my legs are extra smooth when I get out the shower. I just mix it in a plastic cup before scrubbing down in the shower. The only drawback about it is that it smells kind of funky, so I make sure to either wash it entirely off or put on fragrant lotion after I get out.

3. While I’m on the topic of lotion, after getting out the shower I make sure to put it on before drying off without a towel. It not only makes it easier for my skin to soak up all of the lotion and it helps it keep the fresh, clean smell all day! My favorite lotion to use right after I take a shower is Victoria Secret’s drenched in Pink Pretty and Pure lotion. I love it because the scent isn’t too strong and the lotion is super thick so I only have to use a bit to cover my whole body.

4. After washing my hair in the shower, a trick I learned from mom (thanks mom!) is to make a hair mask cocktail. I mix in some leave in conditioner and anti-frizz serum and brush it through all of my hair. I also try to use heavier, cream-like products because it helps keep my hair contained. And if I take my shower before I go to bed, I braid my hair and pin back my bangs so when it’s dry in the morning my hair is manageable and wavy. The hair mask cocktail also controls my curls and so they don’t dry all over the place.

5. Even though it’s kind of embarrassing at sleep-overs, I always wrap my hair. Regardless if my hair is pressed or curly, I always go to bed with my homemade wrap on my hair. I wrap it back in a bun when it’s pressed and when it’s curly I loosely wrap my hair back. The really embarrassing part is that my hair wrap is actually a pair of stockings that I cut the legs off of. I know it sounds really weird, but it stays on my head all night whereas whenever I try to wrap my hair in a scarf it falls off in the middle of the night and I wake up with a major case of bed-head!

-- Alexandra Scott (Berkeley High School, Age 16)
Jr Correspondent

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