
Friday, August 13, 2010

The New Kid On The Block

The beginning of a new school year is just around the corner. For some it may be a scary thing, especially if you're a freshmen entering high school or college. Going to a new school means new friends, classes, teachers, routines, etc. It can be overwhelming just thinking about it. Join me as I share with you some things I learned about making friends at a new school.

Fresh Meat
I think that freshmen in high school have it a little bit easier than those going to college. Majority of the time when you go to high school, many of the people that you went to middle school with are more likely to attend the same school. I know that was the case when I started the 9th grade. But if that is not the case for you, I would recommend getting involved in student activities. Seek out people who share the same interests as you. I know that I met a lot of my closest friends in my beginning dance class. And even if you do have friends from middle school, I would encourage you to branch out and meet new people. I'm not an outgoing person. I stick to what I know, so when I saw my old friends making new friends it forced me to do the same. If you're shy like me, I recommend just putting yourself out there and introducing yourself to someone who you would like to get to know. It only takes that one person to become a friend.

Campus Newbie
Starting college is scary no matter if you stay local or go away. Being in a new place where you hardly know anyone isn't fun. Even if people from your high school go to the same college as you it's very different because you're on a bigger campus. And 7 times out 10 you won't see that person. Before I started at UC Berkeley I was very nervous. I was a Spring admit and I was going to be taking classes off campus through the extension program. Since I wasn't going to be on the main campus just yet, I was extremely concerned that I wasn't going to make any friends. Luckily, I was able to get housing in the dorms. I immediately clicked with my roommate and a couple of other girls. I also started going out with my floor mates. And even though, I technically wasn't a student on campus, I joined popular student organizations to meet new people. Surprisingly, I came to know more people in college than I did in high school.

So, my advice to my Brownstone readers entering college is to put yourself out there. Don't be afraid to try new things. Go out with your roommate or floor mates. I would have to say that our trips to Target on the BART or hanging out downtown are some of my favorite memories from my freshmen year. Exploring new areas brought me closer with a lot of people. I would also encourage freshmen to get involved in student organizations. I honestly believe that's one of the best ways to meet other students.

Be mindful of the people who you choose to associate yourself with. A lot of times girls want to join a clique to feel accepted or popular. But joining the wrong clique can lead you down the wrong path. Remember that bad company corrupts good character. Don't feel pressure to hang with a certain group just to be known. No matter if you're starting high school or college, be yourself and surround yourself with positive people. The friends you choose really do have an affect on your high school/college experience.

-- Tymika Morrison
Brownstone Team

1 comment:

  1. this is so true ty!!:]]
    keep up the good work gurrl!
