
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

WooHoo I’m in College!!!!

Congratulations!!! You have worked hard and listened to what others have to offer. You made're in college. Now what?

The beautiful thing about college is you get to try on many different intellectual hats. Take classes in different areas until you find a focus. This is the only time in your life you get to follow your passions. Enjoy this time in your life as much as you can, but remember your academics are the reason why you are in school.

The university or college you are attending has resources in place to help you be successful. Use your resources often. Remember it is easier to maintain an “A” than to earn one. What I mean is that once you are at performing at that level it takes less effort to maintain that level of work than to gradually build up your performance. Start strong and stay strong. How do you do this? Get tutors early before you have problems, meet with your instructors and professors early and often. They are there to help you.

Entering college has a lot of huge adjustments. It is the first time you may be living away from home. It is the first time you will fall in or maybe out of love. It is the first time you may be paying your own bills. It is the first time you will be responsible for yourself. All of these firsts are pretty common and if you find these experiences difficult to adjust to there are people in place to assist you.

Be mindful of how you dress. Where clothes that are college appropriate that fit well, and comfortable. An example, Uggs with pajama bottoms and headscarfs are not ever appropriate to where in public and definitely not in class.

Remember to choose your friends and associates carefully. More importantly know the difference.

Peace and Blessings,


-- Keisha Hicks
Guest Blogger

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