
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Not So Sexy Side of Sex

The number of African American teenagers (ages 13 to 19) who are sexually active is, as always, concerning to our community. Adolescent pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) among Black teenagers are higher than any other community, including Hispanics and Whites. This is the not so sexy side to sex. We all know someone under the age of 20 who has either gotten pregnant or has contracted an STD. You may think that you're invincible and somehow exempt from this reality, but this is the same attitude that actually makes us more vulnerable to becoming pregnant or infected. Before learning the hard way, take a look at some helpful prevention tips…

Get Tested

If you have already started having sexual intercourse GET TESTED, even if it was only one time. You can never be too sure and you can’t always trust your partner. One of the most common STD’s among women is human papillomavirus (HPV), a virus that only females can be tested for. So, if a guy has it, he has no way of knowing if he’s putting your life at risk. Getting tested also means that you can get treated. Many STDs are treatable and/or can be managed, so it’s important to be proactive and see your gynecologist regularly. It may be uncomfortable guessing whether or not you may have something, but there’s way more comfort in knowing for sure!

Birth Control

The best birth control is not having sex at all. BUT, if you’re past that, there are plenty of birth control options that can help in preventing pregnancy and diseases. There are condoms (including female condoms), oral birth control and lots of other options that will help you be more responsible if you are choosing to engage in sexual activities.


If you know someone who you think is going down a dangerous path, help them! Let them know about resources that are out there. We are a community and our actions do affect our lives in some way. Help yourself, and help others because it will make a positive impact!


--Kyle Holland
Brownstone Team


  1. I agree with you. I am 14 years old and i have had sex about 10 times. started this year because i met some new friends that did.I didn't want to be left out and it was fun going to parties and all that. I thought about good and bad thing about having sex. Turns out there is more bad then good. you should really wait until your in love with someone.Don't have sex just for fun like i did. I made a mistake. i stopped now and realized it was the most stupidest thing i had ever done. If you don't want to stop and you don't care what people say use protection and don't do it often. It will decrease your change of getting pregnant or getting some disease. By the way i have a friend that got pregnant and it ruined her life. If you think i am not going to get pregnant that cant happen to me. YOUR WRONG.

  2. I've had sex with my cousin
