
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Boyfriend Drama: Is HE Worth It?

In your eyes he's the guy of your dreams. After months of back and forth texting and hanging out after school, you're finally a couple. Things were great in the beginning. He'd walk you to class, take you out on the weekends. But now he's becoming distant. The calls are coming less and he doesn't seem to have much time for you. Or maybe you're dating the guy who is all "lovey dovey" when nobody is watching, but tries to put on the "you ain't gonna tie me down" front when he's around his boys. Whatever the case, you find yourself constantly arguing with him, questioning if all this drama is really worth it.

Relationships are very hard to maintain. All successful relationships have one key ingredient: COMMUNICATION. Even at your lowest moment, it's important to feel comfortable enough to voice your concern if you find your self unhappy. I'm sure that you've heard this before, but you have to put the well being of yourself first. Maybe you have different expectations for the relationship. I don't why, but a lot (not all) of boys tend to be allergic to commitment. (It must be in the water or something) Or maybe you want to spend more time with him than he's willing to give. You must see if there is a way to find some common ground in the relationship.

You definitely don't want to end up with a guy that has the "you ain't gonna tie me down" mentality! The guy who only thinks about himself and has no consideration for your feelings. The guy who only gives at your expense. If you're at the point where you're unsure about your relationship, then maybe it's time to weigh the pros and cons. Here are some questions to ask yourself?

  • Does he make me cry more than smile?
  • Is my focus on my boyfriend effecting my school work?
  • Do I stay up worrying about him at night?
  • Does my opinion of myself go down when he's not around?
  • Do I put my boyfriend before my family and friends?
  • Am I most happy when I'm with my boyfriend?

If you answered YES to any of these questions, then maybe it's time for your boyfriend to go kick rocks. No guy is worth your tears, stress or low self-esteem! It's unfair to you if he's walking around without a care in the world, meanwhile your world is torn upside down.

Ladies, if I can leave you with a couple words of advice it would be: Never stay in a relationship out of comfort or just so that you can have that "in a relationship" status. Trust being single isn't the end of the world, especially as a teen...there are SO many more fish in the sea. Also, never let a guy make you feel like you are less than what you are worth. The amount of attention a guy gives you shouldn't dictate how good you feel about yourself. Remember you are priceless and any guy should be willing to go the distance to be in your pressence. So the next time your dude is acting a little shady, consider asking yourself is HE worth it?

-- Tymika Morrison
Brownstone Team

1 comment:

  1. I just wrote an article called "love feels like." In there, I listed two articles found on Even if you don't read what I wrote, do yourself a favor and read these other articles. These are so enlightening; they're golden invaluable pieces of wisdom.

    Here they are:

    Another thing I would add is that you don't have to have a boyfriend just because you're college fact, this might be one of the worst times to get one. My advice: Figure yourself out before trying to figure an "us" out.
