
Friday, October 1, 2010

Editor's Pick: Organic Lotion Must Have

As a teenager, you not only want to smell good, but have a scent that stands out. I mean who wants to walk around smelling funky all day? There's Dove, Bath and Body Works, many options to choose from. What's your favorite scent? Me? I've always been a Bath and Body girl, even as a teen I went from warm vanilla sugar to now using black amethyst. But I recently found a new lotion that I absolutely love and wanted to share with our Brownstone readers.

I don't know about you, but Target is one of my favorite places to shop for everyday cosmetics. I love going up and down the aisles looking for new products to use. Did you know that Target recently started carrying African American hair care products like Miss Jessie's, CURLS and The Jane Carter Solution? This was a huge accomplishment, considering that it can be hard to find hair care products made specifically for our hair in mainstream stores. But I was even more excited when I found out that Target carries a line of natural and organic skin care products designed by an African American company called Shea Moisture.

I became an instant fan as soon as I unscrewed the top off and smelled the sweet scent of the coconut and hibiscus lotion and body wash. The scent is bold without being overbearing. Even though both were $9 each, I knew I had to have this product. One, it's organic (which is probably better for the skin), two it's made by an African American company (which I'm always down to support) and third, it's a product that I'm pretty sure not a lot of people know about (I like to be different)...until now :) If you're looking for a new scent, I recommend trying Shea Moisture. You'll definitely stand out from the usual suspects with this unique fragrance. Try it, you can thank me later ;)

-- Tymika Morrison
Brownstone Team

1 comment:

  1. Great post Tymika! I must say that Shea Moistures is my faaaavorite and pretty much all I use nowadays. =]
