
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

How Do You Rock?

I’ve been hearing a lot of buzz about Black Girls Rock, Inc. They recently aired an awards show which motivated me to delve a little deeper to find out about this movement. I’m glad I did because their mission is inspiring, necessary and very close to home. BGR was started by Beverly Bond as a company that focuses on music and empowerment. Like Brownstone, Beverly was inspired to begin BGR as a reaction to limited images of women of color in the media. Check out the recent interview she did on the Today Show.

Beverly promotes mentorship and uses music, self expression and creativity as tools of development which made me wonder, what are other ways that Black girls rock? Well, there are so many I don’t know where to start!

Fabulously Fierce – Fierce, strong, tough… Whatever adjective you choose, Black girls are as tough as they come. We stand on the shoulders of our grandmothers, mothers and aunts to create a powerful force to be reckoned with. Black women from earlier generations have paved our way and we should look forward to embracing the inner strength to fill those shoes for generations to come. Being a girl is not always easy with the stresses of school, relationships and family, but knowing who you are and the strength you possess will ensure that you ROCK!

Gorgeous Gals – Black girls rock because Black is beautiful! We are all a stunning variety of features. From a wide range of mahogany kissed complexions to our many hair types, a Black girl’s beauty is incomparable. It’s amazing to realize how different we are yet we share one beautifully common bond. Remember to proudly show it off and make it a priority to celebrate your unique beauty everyday because you never know who will be inspired by you!

Constant Creativity – Beverly does an amazing job at getting girls to realize their creativity through music, but a Black girls talent manifests in so many ways. Whether its music, poetry, sports, art or fashion, Black girls are always pushing the envelope when it comes to getting creative. No matter what level you are at in your journey, never forget that your gift is still powerful and worth sharing. Sure, the Black Girls Rock movement is amazing and now known around the nation, but remember, it started out just as a t-shirt logo and grew from there, so don’t be afraid to start from scratch in order to make your rock star shine!

-- Martine Rouzan
Brownstone Team

1 comment:

  1. Very inspiring post!! Beverly truly is an amazing individual, what a great initiative BGR is!! :) I'm mad I missed the show this past weekend, I'll definitely have to hunt it down online!

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