
Monday, December 27, 2010

New Year, New Goals

To some people, making New Year’s resolutions is passé. They feel like waiting for the New Year to make a change can be typical or even a form of procrastination. And, to some extent, I can agree with that if people make resolutions that they don’t intend on keeping. But, the start of a new year is like a renewal for some people. In many ways, it’s how some people stop looking back and begin to see hope/optimism in looking ahead.

So, with the New Year being only a few days away, I challenge you not to make New Year’s resolutions, but to make New Year’s Goals. Goals tend to be much clearer, tangible, and focused than making mere resolutions.

For example, someone may make a New Year’s resolution that they want to lose 20 pounds. But it usually stops there.

Goals, however, focus more on the how. If your goal is to lose 20 pounds in 2011, then part of that goal is to plan how you will get there. Will you join a gym? How many pounds do you need to lose each month so that you reach 20 by this time next year?

That makes sense, yes? Yes.

So, take stock of your life right now. Think about 2010. Was it a good year for you? What are some things from 2010 that you want to improve on in 2011? Grades maybe? Fitness? Relationships? What would you like to have accomplished by this time next year? Or in six months? Or even next month?

Once you think about it, write it down. That’s so important. Write out your goal, and then make a plan to see it through. For example, say you want to have money saved up for prom in spring. What do you have to do between now & then to save up that money? How much do you have to put away every week so that you have the amount you need by spring?

A lot can change in one year. A LOT. And it’s up to you to get the ball rolling. Put your vision down on paper, map out ways to make it happen, and then follow through. Remember: “You have the power to create your future.” Wishing you all a happy, healthy, and successful 2011!

-- Chevonne Collins
Guest Blogger

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