
Monday, January 17, 2011

Eat Healthy, Eat Smart!

The first time I realized my eating habits were hurting me was my performance during track practice in high school. I would eat lunch then an hour later go to practice. I wasn’t able to train properly because my body felt sluggish and out of breath. I used to eat salads for lunch, you may think, “ Whats wrong with salads?” Well, the salads I ate were packed with chicken, croutons, cheese, and a thick ranch dressing. You can see why I couldn’t perform at my full potential. The food was heavily processed and loaded with fat. At that point I didn’t drastically change my eating habits, but ate a smaller amount of the salad. I eventually incorporated fruits to snack on during passing period and began to pack my lunch.

One of the benefits of eating nutritious foods are your body is able to work more efficiently and function better. Your chances of getting illnesses like obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure in the future can be lowered by altering your eating habits.

After my first semester in college, I gained about 15 pounds. At this point, I took a P.E. class the next semester and was introduced to food journaling. At that point, I felt it was very useful and that I would use this tool in the future. A food journal basically includes what you ate for the day. You can start your own food journal by writing down what you eat at the end of each day. If you want to be more precise, you can estimate the servings, were you actually hungry and your mood. Including these options can tell you if you’re actually eating because of hunger, celebration or because the food is there. It is an evaluation on yourself and only you can express why you ate two bags of chips. One thing I’ve learned from making food journals is I am more mindful of what I am putting in my body. Sometimes you don’t realize all the food you have consumed. Here are some tips that can help you stay in control of your dietary health.

My Food Journal

Day 1

  • Breakfast: fruit smoothie (pineapples, mangoes, strawberries, orange juice)
  • Snack: unsalted cashews

  • Lunch: tuna sandwich (whole wheat bread, tuna, cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce)

  • Snack: carrots, celery, and an apple

  • Dinner: baked tilapia and salad

Day 2

  • Breakfast: Post Honey Bunches of Oats with Almonds, toast and banana

  • Snack: crackers and grapes

  • Lunch: chicken breast sandwich
  • Snack: fruit smoothie (strawberry, banana, strawberry, yogurt, water)

  • Dinner: tofu stir-fry with brown rice (tofu, green beans, brussel sprouts, green peppers, red peppers, broccoli and carrot)

Day 3

  • Breakfast: Quakers whole oats/oatmeal

  • Snack: chocolate chip cookie and soymilk

  • Lunch: “taco wrap” (whole wheat lavash bread, soy meat filling: onions, red peppers, spinach, curry seasoning, avocado, lettuce, and tomatoes)
  • Snack: N/A

  • Dinner: spaghetti (whole wheat pasta noodles, spinach, tomato pasta sauce)

- Drink plenty of water
- Limit the amount of sodas, sugary juices, and chips
- Incorporate fruits, vegetables and water daily
- Limit the amount of fast food
- Have snacks on hand so that you wont be vulnerable of eating fast food
- Plan ahead, stay in control
- Reward yourself with an occasional desert.

Staying Active
The way I stay active and in shape is through playing rugby for my school. Before I joined the team I worked out at the gym, took fitness classes and swam. Some other ways to workout is running at a park, going to the beach and walking on the sand. Taking dance classes, riding bikes and rollerblading are also good ways to workout. Every thought about walking around the perimeter of your school with a buddy three times? That’s a way to get some extra walking in. Whatever way you decide to get your physical activity make sure it’s something you enjoy so that you can reap the benefits.

-- Carla Banks
Brownstone Intern

Meet our new intern Carla!

Hello Brownstone Family! I am honored to have the opportunity to tell my story, give my advice and be connected with this community! My name is Carla Banks and I am a junior at UC Berkeley with an American Studies major. I am originally from South Los Angeles and attended Washington Prep High School. I am very athletic, health conscious, goal oriented and funny. Some of my goals in life include but are not limited to becoming a certified personal trainer, a beautician, a founder of a nonprofit and ultimately a congresswomen.

I am very passionate about fitness and health. I am BIG on working out and getting my friends involved! Lately, I have spent time training my friends at the local gym. My background is in track & field in which I played throughout my high school years. At Cal, I am a member of the Women’s Rugby team, my position is outside center or inside center. This is my second year playing rugby for Cal.

As I writer, I hope readers can take my experiences and learn from them.
That young girls will be able to be a positive influence on other girls around them and have the tools to take on any challenge that they face. -

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