
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Take Time to Plan

Now that school has started back, it’s exciting to be in a learning environment with your friends. As a student, school comes with various assignments, extracurricular events and your regular day-to-day activities. If you’re involved in a lot of activities then you know firsthand how difficult it can be to keep up. One skill that is great to have and master is time management. Time management is an important skill to learn so that you are able to accomplish the tasks that you are given in an efficient manner. When you’ve completed the task you’re able to move on to the next without getting backed up.

It took me a couple of months to realize that I was wasting countless hours throughout my day on the internet. I went through this phase were I would go on YouTube to get fashion and makeup ideas and watch video after video. I think a lot of it started because I was so happy to finally have my own laptop. Throughout high school, I didn’t own one. I used the computers at my school. So when I got my computer I went overboard. Now that I look back on those days I know I could have spent those hours doing other things.

The way I began to take control of my time was by writing in my planner and completing the assignments one step at a time. I would ask myself, “What small step can I take to get closer to completing an assignment?” One of my favorite options would be to stay on my computer but instead of watching videos I would record videos of myself talking about what I plan to write in my paper. My video recording would act as my brainstorming process to get my thoughts flowing. Then when I was ready to write, I had it under control. Other useful options are using an oversized calendar or dry erase board. If these options do not work for you, your phone is also a great choice. Once you’ve found out what works for you. Your life will be that much easier. You will complete those big assignments and be happy to check them off your list. You will become more reliable and the problem of forgetting things won’t sneak up on you as often. You know what works for me; now tell me what works for you. What has helped you stay on task? Please share your tips suggestions and comments.

-- Carla Banks
Brownstone Intern

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