
Monday, February 14, 2011

What Does Your Hair Say About You?

If I used the image above to define myself I'd definitely be "ghetto fab" because I love how that particular hairstyle looks. Even though I love that hairstyle, my current look is similar to the intellectual style shown. I'm almost positive that the person who took the time to create this cartoon photo is either joking or crazy. There's no way that someone's hairstyle can dictate what type of person they are. I know plenty of cultured women that don't have dreadlocks and the fashionistas I know would never have that blonde haircut. Despite the fact that I disagree with some of the labeling shown in the picture, I can't help but take notice to the truths shown. People do judge others based off of their hairstyles.

Lately I've been wearing my hair in a straight bob style in order to look "professional" when on job interviews or at my internship. I personally dislike getting my hair pressed on a regular basis, but I've been doing it because I feel like it's the right thing to do. Do I subconsciously think that my hair in its natural state in unprofessional? I wish I knew the answer to that question, but I don't. What I do know is that people perceive me differently when my hair is straight.

As a person, I'm no more or less professional with my hair straight than I am with it puffy so it should not make a difference, right? I've honestly had guys tell me that they prefer when girls go get their hair done (meaning relaxed, pressed and/or flat ironed). I've heard numerous women, on television and elsewhere, claim that getting their hair done helps them keep a man. On the other hand, I've recently come in contact with many young women that are embracing their natural hair textures. I am glad that I've been able to see both sides of the spectrum.

Unfortunately, some natural hair textures are more easily accepted by others. Those of us with kinky (or nappy) hair are often seen as the types that need their hair done the most. Those with natural wavy hair or loose curls can easily get away with not straightening their hair without worrying about the opinions of others. Hair length is also an issue for some of us. We want longer hair for whatever reason so we'll get extensions that can possibly damage our natural hair. Maintaining healthy hair is what should be our priority.

The truth is, it should not matter how you wear your hair nor should it matter what texture your hair is. What other people think about your hair shouldn't matter either. What should matter is the person you are and the person you are becoming. If you choose to wear your hair straight, do it. If you prefer your natural kinks or curls, wear them with pride. As young women, we are far too concerned with what other people might think. We base many of our personal decisions on what we think others will say. We should stop doing that.

So what does your hair say about you? It shouldn't say anything and what others say about your hair shouldn't matter. I welcome your feedback and would love to read your opinion on the topic. How do you currently wear your hair and why is that your preference? Do you have any interesting hair-related experiences to share?If so, feel free to post them below.

Thanks for reading,
Alexandria B.

1 comment:

  1. lol at you wearing your hair straight for your job. that's crazy. they better take me with my braids or else! just kidding.
