
Monday, February 7, 2011

Who's That Girl? - A Profile of Jamiah King

You may have seen her around school or read some her fantastic blog posts here at Brownstone. But do you really know the young lady in this picture? In case your were wondering "Who's that Girl?" meet our fabulous, jr correspondent, Jamiah King.

Name: Jamiah King

Nickname: Miah

Age: 16

High School: Berkeley High School

Favorite after school activities: Dancing in dance production, reading Leaser novels, singing in my church's choir, taking pictures and journalism

Favorite color(s): Olive green, turquoise

Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate always, even though I am allergic

Bookworm or social butterfly: I stay in my books first because that's my main priority but I am a very social person who loves to be around others.

Clean freak or pack-rat? I have my moments. I think of myself as a clean freak outside of my home but at home I can be a pack rat but not for more than a month. My room has been clean for awhile. My room may be dirty but my closet stays clean always, it is color coordinated.

American Idol or So You Think You Can Dance: That's very hard to choose because both dancing and singing are my passions. And American Idol this year is blowing me away, but SYTYCD is such a beautiful show.

Twilight or Harry Potter: Neither, I'm not into the trend of science fiction or the whole Edward vs. Jacob.

If I could delete one subject from school it would be __chemistry__.

Biggest pet peeve: Cracking knuckles

If I could only eat one thing for a week it would be __biscuits__.

I would love to visit __Japan__.

Favorite singer(s): Maxwell, Musiq Soulchild, John Legend

Songs that annoy you on the radio: pointless club bangers or one hit wonders. Basically any song that says "swag" or "base God" or cusses too much.

Favorite place to shop: Ross, got to love a bargain.

Describe your sense of style: My style fluctuates. It depends on my mood for that day. Each day I have an outfit on, I have a theme to go along with it.

Favorite make-up item: Lip gloss (Victoria Secret slice of heaven or Bath and Body Works pink mint)

Guys: skinny jeans or baggy jeans? Hmmmm? Depends on how they where them.

What makes you unique? My spontaneous personality and drive in life.

What do you want to be when you get older? Happy

What are your plans after high school? College and lots of traveling. Hopefully study abroad, I definitely don't want to be in a cubicle.

If I were president, I would __try my best to include everyone's input and benefit the people and not myself and try not to be bias__.

Something new you would like to learn: Learn how to speak more than one language, besides English fluently.

If your life had a theme song, what would it be & why? Chasing Pavements by Adele or Fix You by Coldplay. They both are encouraging songs that deal with making mistakes and just not giving up, just try harder.

One goal I would like to achieve in 2011 is ___to find myself and be confident with oneself___.

What African American women inspire you? My grandmother.

I am proud to be a young black woman because I am not perfect but I aspire the best of myself and encourage others to do the same.

What does Brownstone mean to you? Brownstone means power and sisterhood.

1 comment:

  1. i love your response to "what do you want to be when you get older?" you said "happy." you're already way ahead of the game. you're going to have a great life!!! :)
