
Friday, October 23, 2009

Skin Deep

In recent years, more and more women, particularly African-American women, have become more actively involved in their healthcare and well-being. Today, more women are getting routine check-ups and are staying on top of their diet and exercise. This type of preventive healthcare helps restore the importance of healthy living in the black community, while helping us to redefine beauty among African-American women. Being healthy is no longer a rarity. Many black women are supporting this trend in women’s health. Queen Latifah and Felicia Rashad, who are spokeswomen for Jenny Craig, help us remember that a healthy diet plays a key role in our lives. Our First Lady, Michelle Obama, has taught us all how to take an active role in our health by growing our own vegetables and being in control of our food intake. These women among so many others symbolize the importance of day to day health. But what about the other ways used by women in order to maintain and enhance their outward appearance to look and feel good? You will see that beauty is more than skin deep.

Interestingly, there is a direct link between the beauty products and cosmetics (ex: lipstick, eye shadow and shampoo) we use to embellish our physical appearance, and our inner beauty and health. You may be wondering what one has to do with the other…well have you heard the phrase “toxic cosmetics?” Toxic cosmetics are health and beauty products that contain chemicals and harmful ingredients that can be dangerous to your skin and/or body. Believe it or not, the very products that we use to make us look and feel better, may actually be causing more harm to our health than we realize. Look out for the top 10 most common toxic ingredients toxic ingredients:

1) Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS)
2) Mineral Oil
3) Synthetic Fragrances
4) Imidazolidinyl Urea & DMDM Hydantoin
5) Triclosan
6) Phthalates
7) DEA, TEA, & MEA
8) FD & Color Pigments
9) Propylene Glycol (PG)
10) Isopropyl Alcohol

Don’t worry! This doesn’t necessarily mean we have to compromise our beauty and discontinue using our favorite health and beauty products. However, this does mean that it is important for us to do our research on what products are good and bad for us. What’s the use of looking good if the products we use are harming us? Luckily there are resources that can help us stay informed and proactive about the effects of our favorite cosmetics. Skin Deep is one of many informative and easy to use websites that can help. When I went to this site, all I did was type in some of my favorite cosmetic brands and in an instance I was able to see how harmful they were to my skin and body. Try it!

For those who would rather not know the effects of your favorite lip gloss or mascara, don’t forget that you can easily find alternatives through this resource. If you find that your favorite perfume or foundation is too harmful for you, don’t be afraid to continue your search until you find what’s right for you. Think of it as a make-up make-over. It’s worth it!

--Kyle Holland
Brownstone Team

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