
Monday, October 26, 2009

A Young Girl's Worth

Broken Heart
808s and heartbreaks can be difficult to deal with at your age or any age for that matter! I mean to go from "he loves me" to "he loves me not???" unexpectedly can throw anyone off. And let's face it, the reasons he gave don't exactly help ease the pain. LOL...if it's not YOU, but HIM yet he has somehow found a way to move on just fine...then where does that leave you? Maybe feeling confused, sad, rejected...

Whatever the case is don't let him to take a piece of you with him if he decides to leave. It’s easy to get stuck in that depressed state and start questioning where everything went wrong. But don’t get trapped in your own pity party. You need to take Chris Brown's "Goodbye" off of repeat and stop playing all those sad songs because it's not going help the situation. Maybe for that moment you'll feel good but it will only encourage you to keep throwing that pity party for yourself.

My friends and I used to have this saying back in college "keep it rollin" when situations didn't go our way. But now more than ever I realize that you can't keep it rollin' when you genuinely care about someone. But at the same time you can't stay down on yourself either!

The Heart of the Matter
Now that I’m older, I’ve realized that the issue is bigger than a broken heart. It’s about how you view yourself based on that guy’s departure. Ladies, please don't allow any boy to have the kind of power over you that prevents you from moving on or causes you to look down on yourself! We all make mistakes in life. You can’t place all the blame on yourself and carry all that dead weight. You don’t want to become the bag lady (that everyone sings about) in your teens. I think it’s important to forgive that person for hurting you or yourself if you were at fault for the end of the relationship. You can’t let your or somebody else’s mistakes define who you are as a person.

Just because he broke up with you doesn’t mean that you’re not good enough. Just because he didn't realize what a blessing you were to his life doesn't mean that you're not an amazing person. Too often girls define their self worth by the guy they are with. If you do that then you'll never learn to appreciate and value yourself or see yourself the way that God sees you. He says that you are “fearfully and wonderfully made” and that’s all that matters! (Psalm 139:14) You should never look for validation from a guy. Love doesn’t start with him and it sure doesn't end with him. It starts with you! You can’t and shouldn’t look to others to do this for you. Whatever guy comes in or out of your life doesn’t change the beautiful young lady that you are. Even through the tears, you need to be able to see it as a loss for him and a lesson learned for you. His love may be gone, but the love that you and God have for yourself should be so strong that it doesn’t matter! Ladies learn to show yourself love and appreciation daily, so that it doesn’t have to come from someone else.

--Tymika Morrison
Brownstone Team

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