
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Giving Back, The New Black

Holidays are the best. I wouldn’t trade spending time with my family, eating good food and spending time with my loved ones for the world! Not to mention a nice break from work or school is always nice too. I am always reminded of the things and people I am most thankful for and how I am truly blessed.

Holidays for many other people unfortunately are not the same. There are so many people, especially Black people, who got laid-off this year, who are homeless, who have no family to be around or no food to eat, who are sick and have no health coverage, and many who go through hard times. What can we do for them?

On occasion I try to volunteer my services, but I’m wondering how much of an impact I’m really making. Each year, I quietly volunteer at my sister’s job, stuffing envelopes or helping out at registration booths at some of her events. Or, since I braid hair, sometimes I’ll find myself giving out freebies. I’m sure there are a lot of us who do these occasional acts of kindness, but this year I know it’s not enough.

If your kinda out of the volunteering loop like I am, visit It’s a great starting point to getting involved in our community. All you have to do is type in the area you live in and/or what type of volunteer opportunities you’re interested in and browse the list they provide you. Easy huh? I typed in Los Angeles and I found all sorts of opportunities I would like to be a part of. I really value education, so for me, my favorite was tutoring a homeless child in Downtown LA…I think it’s cool to find a favorite cuz that way, giving back may become the new black!

Do you know of any cool ways to give back to the Black community this year? If so, let everybody know!

--Kyle Holland
Brownstone Team

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