
Saturday, November 28, 2009

Planning for Winter Vacation

With Thanksgiving over, Christmas is just around the corner. Which means that winter break will be here before you know it. Already counting down the days huh? I know I used to! I couldn't wait for the 2 week break, so that I could relax and most of all catch up on sleep. Unfortunately, I wasn't one of the lucky kids that got to go anywhere exciting during break. The only place I went was to my grandparent's house in Oxnard, CA and if you've ever had the privilege of going there you'll understand my lack of enthusiasm. But just because your parents aren't taking you some place like San Francisco or New York doesn't mean that your winter vacation has to be a complete waste. Don't have any plans? Here are some ideas to help keep you busy and having fun!

1. Volunteer: As we mentioned in our last post giving is the new black! Use your free time to volunteer at a local nonprofit or help your parents out by babysitting your younger siblings.

2. Amusement Parks: Get a group of friends together and visit your local amusement park.

3. Movie Night: Host a movie night where you watch your favorite movies and invite family and/or friends.

4. Museums: Visit your local museum. For our Brownstone girls in Los Angeles, check out the America I am exhibit at the California Science Center. The exhibit traces the amazing contributions African-Americans have made in America.

5. Shopping: There is never a dull day when shopping! Cash in those gifts cards you receive during the holidays and start working on your spring wardrobe.

6. Arts & Crafts: This may sound corny, but even if you aren't the artsy type start working on an art project. Michaels has plenty of fun projects that will keep you busy. You can even create a scrapbook with all the pictures from your break.

7. Slumber Party: Invite some friends over and have a slumber party.

8. Read for Fun: I know having to read defeats the whole purpose of being out of school. But break is the prefect time to read that leisure book you're always wanted to read. (Stay tuned Brownstone will be announcing its first book club next month) Or catch up on your favorite magazines or blogs like Brownstone ;)

9. Plan for the Future: Spend a couple hours researching colleges that you want to attend. It's never too early to start. Or if you're a senior use your break to finish up those college apps!

Let us know how you plan to spend your winter break. Send pictures to and you can be featured on our blog. Please send photos by January 4th.

--Tymika Morrison
Brownstone Team

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