
Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Gift Giving Gals

Well it’s December 1st and no matter what holiday you celebrate, the season is officially here! I heard holiday music on the radio this morning, I keep seeing decorations popping up left and right and I have even started pulling out those warm sweaters from the back of the closet. I love this season for the family, food and of course gift giving! I started my shopping early by catching some great deals during Black Friday. But I know many of you may have missed that opportunity and are wondering what to buy and how to save money doing it.

Even though Black Friday has passed, that doesn’t always mean the deals are long gone. Check the Sunday papers and retail websites for weekly ads at your favorite stores. Since the economy is still in a slump, retailers are eager to offer deals to get you in the door. Look out for deals such as buy one get one free, door buster deals or money back if you spend a certain amount. Shopping online can be beneficial as well. Sometimes there are special online offers not available in the stores. Another online perk is potential free shipping, so make sure you figure out how to meet the free shipping requirements before you check out. This means you’ll be able to get a good deal without leaving your home and without having to deal with the holiday crowds! This sounds like a win-win to me!

Make your money work for you. If you are on a limited budget, get creative. One example is breaking up a gift set. You might be able to find a great spa set that has two lotions, three body washes, and other great goodies. You don’t have to give the entire basket to one person. Break it up and individually wrap a lotion with another small item like a lip balm or nail polish. Because of the economy, now more than ever, the phrase “it’s the thought that counts” is holding true. Your friends will love the fact that you thought of them and I doubt they’ll be thinking about not getting a huge gift basket from you. Another inexpensive gift is accessories. You can always find a great pair of earrings or a bracelet for under $10. Get accessories in your friends’ favorite colors and styles.

Want to save even more? Answer this question… Who are you spending time with during the holidays? If you’re having quality time with just the family, shop for just them first and save the shopping for your friends until the day after Christmas. Just like Black Friday, you will find wonderful savings during the after Christmas sales. Plan to get together with your friends sometime before New Years to exchange gifts. You can also decide to play a Secret Santa game amongst your friends. Write down the names of each of your friends on a piece of paper, throw everyone’s name into a hat and have each person pick one name. Set a price limit and voila, you are now only on the hook for one gift. The benefit of this is you can buy one person a really nice gift instead of having to stretch your money.

How are you saving money during the holidays? Share your stories…

-- Martine Rouzan
Brownstone Team

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