
Monday, December 28, 2009

Get set...Ready....Go!

The New Year is just around the corner and it’s the perfect time to set new personal goals. Whether you’re making the commitment to spend more time with your family & friends or improve your grades, it should feel good to enter the New Year with optimism and confidence. My goal for the New Year is to really focus on my health and achieve my fitness goals. I know. Totally not original! But I’m starting to realize that being healthy plays a huge role when it comes to pursuing my goals and having a great life. So guys (and gals) here is my plan….


Most people who know me know that food is the perfect way to my heart. I love to eat! So, entering a new year with better nutrition in mind is going to be interesting, and I know I’m gonna need some help. I know many people who have done Weight Watchers and it truly works. Their online points program does the trick….but I’m broke! No worries because I found something better. It’s called SparkPeople and it’s a FREE online diet manager. This program helps you to keep track of your caloric intake, view fitness and exercise demos and find your new favorite healthy recipes. It’s online, so it can’t get any more convenient than that…right?


I know exercise can be really boring, but I also know that if you switch it up and do different things, it can be really fun and way more effective. It helps that I have a gym membership so for me, variation comes with ease. But in case you don’t have a gym membership there are lots of free or low cost exercise options around town. For example, there are a lot of great parks and trails in LA that can offer you a great cardio workout. I usually walk or jog the track that runs along stocker between La Brea and Don Felipe. And the infamous Valley Ridge hill is really good to for a cardio and leg workout. Sometimes I like to bike ride from Venice beach to Santa Monica promenade. It’s fun and low cost and before you know it, you’re done with your exercise for the day. I would also suggest in home workouts like sit-ups, squats, and workout dvds…. My plan is to have as much fun as I can and let the rest fall into place.


Okay so with a better diet and a consistent, fun exercise regimen, maintaining a healthy lifestyle should be fairly simple….if you can manage to stay motivated. My motivation plays a huge role when it’s cold outside and I don’t feel like working out, or like now around the holidays when all the cookies and cakes are calling my name. It’s easier to not fall into bad habits when you have a clear end goal in mind. Whether it’s simply fitting into more clothes when you’re shopping at the mall, or looking the best at Prom, have your goals in mind and commit to them. They will help you achieve your new nutrition and fitness goals and live a healthier life.

If you have any suggestions or tricks that can help us all achieve these goals, please share! It’s no secret that our community suffers from diseases and conditions that result from poor diets and lack of exercise. Let’s all make the commitment to do better…k? Get set…ready…go!

--Kyle Holland
Brownstone Team

1 comment:

  1. Another thing to remember is that we have to stop making excuses for ourselves. We all know that nothing in life comes easy. This is especially true with health and fitness. Though it may take a while to achieve your desired results the things that matter most are:
    1. You stayed committed
    2. You will feel better and experience the benefits of living a healthy lifestyle.
