
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

That’s So 2009!

Can you believe that 2009 is coming to an end? I sure can’t! With the New Year practically here, I’m sure you’re beginning to think about ways to improve and change your lives for the New Year. I would recommend jumping into the New Year as a fearless young woman. But I know first hand, that is easier said than done! Whether it’s talking to your crush, trying out for the varsity team or running for student council sometimes the fear of rejection can get in the way of accomplishing our goals and resolutions.

Practice Makes Perfect
– I know, I know this is an old phrase your mom used to tell you, but it’s so true! Realistically, how can you expect to be on the varsity cheer squad if you don’t practice? If this is something you want, you have to give it your all and that means dedicating a lot of time to it. The best part about practicing is that it builds your confidence. Once you’ve gotten your cheer routine down, you know it like the back of your hand. You can even practice the conversation you want to have with your crush. Make a list of things you would want to say or practice in the mirror.

Speech Class – I know this may sound a little extreme, but think about taking a speech class. I used to be terrified of public speaking, until I took a speech class. Running for class president may seem out of reach if you can’t imagine speaking in front of a large room of people. A lot of you may have speech classes offered at your high schools, but they are also offered at local community colleges. Check out course schedules online and the best part of all, this will help you get over your fears and earn some college credit while you’re at it. If you don’t have the time or funds for a community college class, gather a small group of friends to practice your speech in front of. Each week, add a few more people until you become more comfortable.

Ask for Help – Don’t ever be afraid to ask for help. Advice from your friends, parents or coaches can help you to overcome your obstacles. Reaching out to older cousins or counselors can help you to find out how they accomplished the same goals when they were your age. Many times we forget that there is someone who has already been there, done that. Use their advice to your advantage – and don’t forget that the Brownstone Team is a resource for advice as well!

All goals can be accomplished if you put your mind to it. Don’t let your fears get in the way. Use these tips to build your confidence and attain your dream! Happy New Year!

-- Martine Rouzan
Brownstone Team

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