
Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year

Happy 2010! Cheers to the beginning of a brand new year :) With every new year comes resolutions of how you plan to make this year better than the previous. You may be thinking "What's the point of making resolutions if I neverkeep them?" Well it's about being real with yourself and setting goals that you know are attainable. Start small and dedicate yourself to a couple of goals. Check out how the Brownstone Team plans to make 2010 a productive and prosperous year!

Tymika Morrison, Founder/Editor-in-Chief

I really hope that I'll start taking care of my body more, which means stop snacking and start eating more balanced meals. Hopefully this will bring out my domestic side and force me to start cooking. Also learn to live in the moment and stop worrying about the future. Challenge myself to step out of my comfort zone and take risks. Fear is not an option in 2010!

Kyle Holland, Managing Editor

Hey everybody! My New Year's resolution is to stay happy, healthy and employed! I have so much to look forward to this year and I am so excited to share my journey through 2010. I wish you all peace and happiness.

Martine Rouzan, Marketing & Events

My New Years Resolution is to live healthier in 2010. Everyone always focuses on losing weight (which I want to do also!) but more importantly I want to live a better lifestyle. More physical activity, eating healthier and scheduling time for personal days in my busy schedule. A healthy mind, body and spirit in 2010!

Brittany Allen, Writing Intern

1. Maintain and improve mental and spiritual health.
2. Maintain close relationships with a small network of trusted individuals -- less drama and more meaningful friendships.
3. Do something just for me for an hour everyday. Aka have some me time.
4. Use responsible fiscal judgement. Save for later instead of buying everything at the mall like it won't be there later.

Rebecca Matey, Writing/Marketing Intern

There are a few New Years Resolutions I HOPE I can keep! First and foremost, get fit again in attempt to lose this freshman 15 I managed to gain last year! But most importantly, I just want to be IN SHAPE! Secondly, get over public transportation and explore LA more! I need to stop complaining about this city, and get up off my hiney and see the beautiful culture of Los Angeles.

As a team we hope to continue to bring you fun yet engaging content tailored to reflect your interests and experiences. We have a lot of exciting projects coming up and we look forward to launching the magazine version of Brownstone later this year. Thank you for your continued support and please continue to spread the word about Brownstone. HaPPy NeW yEaR!

--Brownstone Team

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