
Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Brown SkinCARE

I think India Arie described it best. Brown skin is beautiful, symbolic, intriguing….and list could go on forever. I think we have every right to outwardly love our skin by voicing the beauty and legacy it holds. Afterall, it is truly something to celebrate. But being that our skin holds so much history and preceeds us everywhere we go, it’s important to take care of it and treat it with lots of love. That means having a skin care regimine that fits your daily life and has you looking and feeling FLY. Right ladies?

Here are some helpful tips to keep our skin looking and feeling healthy...

Healthy living

Healthy skin starts with maintaining a healthy diet. That's right! We actually have control over the appearance of our skin just by eating right. It’s important to realize that our skin can reflect what we eat, just like any other part of our body. This doesn't mean our skin will break out instantly if we have an occasional chocolate bar or can of Coke. But it does emphasize great skin as an added benefit of maintaining balance with our food. For example, drinking lots of water will help flush out impurities that can often cause breakouts. Exercising is important too! Just remember not to wait to long after you exercise before you wash your face. The sweat/dirt combination can be lethal for those pores.


How do you know what products are right for you? It helps to start off by determining your own skin type. For example, if your skin is super dry like mine, it’s best to use skin care and cosmetic products that also function as moisturizers. Look for a face wash (to cleanse), toner (to even skin tone) and a moisturizer (to keep your skin lubricated.) It’s good to use a moisturizer that contains sunscreen to help protect your skin agains the sun and harsh weather. I would also recommend testing the products on your hand to make sure they aren't too greasy. Too much oil in your products can also lead to clogged pores. Don’t feel pressured to spend a lot of money on your skin. If you can afford it, go ahead and splurge on your favorite spa cleanser or eyecream. But there is nothing wrong with cheaper products for everyday use.

Some of my favorite skincare products/brands include:

-ProActiv 3-Step System (for when my skin decides to have a mind of its own and break out everywhere)

-Abmi (great for softening the appearance of blemishes and evening out my skin tone)

-Cetaphil (mild, gentle and nourishing—perfect for everyday)

-Carol's Daughter (their "Bringing in the Moisture" is great too!)

What to do

Many say: wash, tone and moisturize your face a least twice a day, once in the morning and once before you go to bed. Just make sure you don’t wash your face too often. This could make your face noticably dry, tight and unhealthy looking. Keep it simple, but treat your skin too. Exfolients, facials and peels will leave your skin feeling great!

Try in home masks

One of my favorite in home masks is the Egg Whites and Yogurt Mask. It’s gentle, easy to make. All it takes is 2 egg whites (separated from the yolk) and 2 tablespoons of plain yogurt. Mix them together and you’ve got a great mask. Apply all over your face and let it sit for 5-7 minutes and rinse with warm water.

This works great for me, but there are plenty in-home face masks to choose from! The key is to pay attention to your skin and its needs. Feel free to share your skin care tips with all of us!

--Kyle Holland
Brownstone Team

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