
Friday, January 8, 2010

To Ditch Or Not To Ditch

The holiday break is over and now it’s back to the grind of school, homework and extra curriculars. After being off for a few weeks, it’s easy to get used to the lifestyle of waking up late and hanging out with friends. Everyone would love to be on permanent vacation, but in the real world it’s just not possible. Because of the recent break, you may be tempted to create your own break from responsibilities and ditch school. But is ditching right for you? Let’s explore…


Missing School – It may be good just to get out of that boring Algebra class or avoid a Spanish test, but I’m 99% sure you will have to make it up later.

Movies, Mall & More – there is so much to do on your self proclaimed free day, but have you thought about your finances? Will your parents be curious about why you’re asking for more lunch money than normal this week? I know mine would!

Veg Out – So maybe you thought about just sitting at home, watching TV and being a couch potato all day. Sounds like fun, but can’t you do that on the weekends?


Getting caught – trust me, your parents’ eyes and ears are everywhere. A neighbor or friend of the family could spot you and let your mom know what’s up. You’re bound to get caught, so this might not be a good idea!

Playing Catch Up – Is a day off really worth having to make up an entire day of school work, tests and activities? If you are trying to ditch to get out of academic obligations, talk to your teacher. They may be able to offer you an extension or provide extra help to simplify the subject matter. No how many days you ditch, that Spanish test will definitely be waiting for you when you return.

By no means am I promoting ditching. It’s important as you become a young woman to develop responsibility and accountability for your actions. Once you’re in college or start working a full time job, there are no teachers taking attendance or parents keeping track of your schedules. You are solely responsible for getting to class or work, and if you don’t make this a priority, there will be consequences. Don’t start a bad habit and jeopardize your future success. I know it’s tempting, but go to school every day!

-- Martine Rouzan
Brownstone Team

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