
Friday, February 5, 2010

Brownstone Women's Spotlight: A Profile of Kristin Jones

From Windsor Hills to the White House

Hey Hun!!!” She opened the door and greeted me with her signature bright smile. “Hey stranger!” It had been 3 months since I last saw my old college roommate, Kristin. I walked inside her apartment, noticing all the modern décor and thought to myself, same ol Kris. Unique, fun, ambitious, creative, smart…the list could go on for days. “Take your shoes off, get comfy.” Typically, when the daily grind keeps us entrenched in our separate lives, Kristin and I always find the time to update each other on our families, professional lives, relationships…the usual. This time, however, I knew our conversation would be far more inspiring than any before. Kristin just returned from Washington D.C, where she interned for the First Lady of the United States, Michelle Obama. Now more than ever before, I am honored to call her my friend, and it is my absolute pleasure to introduce to you Ms. Kristin Therese Jones.

Kyle Holland (KH): Kristin, first of all, thank you so much for sharing your internship experience with all of us…tell us, how did you get the internship with the First Lady?

Kristin Jones (KJ): It was so random. I saw an email blast for the internship and although I was hesitant, I applied. I figured I had nothing to lose.”

KH: How extensive was the application process?

KJ: The process was very simple. I uploaded my resume, along with an essay on my commitment to public service, a brief memo to the President and First Lady and 3 letters of recommendation.

KH: What was your role as an intern? What projects did you work on?

KJ: I interned for the Scheduling and Advance office. As an intern, I worked in the department that creates and maintains the First Lady’s schedule and her appearances offsite. The team and I, when given the opportunity would visit and meet with the event organizers of any offsite venues where she was scheduled to speak or make an appearance. The First Lady operates under a tight schedule, so there isn’t any time for surprises. The goal is always to ensure that all the details were ironed out in advance.

KH: Can you describe a typical day?

KJ: That’s hard because I feel like every day was different. My major role as an intern was to manage all of the invitations the First Lady receives. There were thousands of invitations per day. It was my job to sort and track every single invitation, whether they be from global leaders or citizens. My boss would then host a meeting with Senior staff to discuss and review the invitations.

KH: What did you enjoy most about your internship?

KJ: I just think it was phenomenal to walk into the East Wing of the White House and be exposed to those around me. Not just the First Lady, but also those who work for her, who I consider the ‘unsung heroes.’ These are the individuals who made my White House experience most amazing. Who would have thought, a girl like me could accomplish something so great. I remember the day after President Obama won the election, I felt I could do anything. It opened up a world of possibility. Before, I never thought the White House was a place where anyone would want me…I’m still trying to take it all in.

KH: What are your future plans now that you’ve completed the internship?

KJ: Applying to Business School. I am really interested in learning about the realm of Educational Entreprenership. Prior to the internship I worked for Teach for America. I am very interested in creating an educational consulting firm that focuses on creating culturally relevant curriculums across content areas to better engage multicultural populations.

KH: What woman has inspired you or inspires you the most?

KJ: My mom. She has always been so supportive of me. She helps me figure out what my next move in life is going to be. She actually pushed me to apply for the internship in the first place. Sometimes it’s a lot of pressure but I think she’s amazing, and she pushes me to be my very best.

KH: Describe what you were like as a teenager for those who don’t know you personally.

KJ: “I think I was a normal teenager. I was a cheerleader and very involved in student government. I liked to read and school was very important to me. I liked to hang out with my friends and have fun. Even in college, I got involved, I pledged…I had fun. I had balance and that was a good thing for me to have in the White House. It helped to relieve the pressure.

KH: If you could leave one piece of advice to our Brownstone readers, what would it be?

KJ: I just encourage young girls to try your hardest and love yourself. You’re always aware of what your best is, what it looks and feels like, so get to know yourself in that capacity.

KH: I agree. That’s wonderful. Well Kristin, you’ve done it again. You are truly an inspiration to all of us and I know you have positively impacted our younger readers. Thank you again for allowing us the opportunity to use your story to inspire young African American women.

KJ: No prob. Thank you and the Brownstone Team for creating a platform where young girls can be themselves and learn from each other…I’m excited.

To learn more about Kristin’s internship or opportunities at the White House, visit,

Kyle Holland
--Brownstone Team

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoy your blog!
    I especially like this article about this black queen. My name is Priestley Johnson. I am a graduating senior at Howard University in Washington D.C. but originally from Hartford, Connecticut. As an aspiring intern in Michelle Obama's office, I'd love to ask Ms. Jones some advice on my application for the summer. I have been enthralled by her Let Girl's Learn Campaign and love what the First Lady Stands for everyday. If it was possible to get in contact with her ( as soon as possible, I would truly appreciate it.
    I know that this is unorthodox to have to courage and take the initiative to reach out, but I hope you understand that sometimes us brown girls have to look out for each other. Happy Holidays!
