
Monday, February 8, 2010

Valentine's Day 101

With Valentine’s Day a couple of days away you’re probably thinking one of two things. Either “Yay, I can’t wait to see what my boo got me” or “Who cares? The 14th is just like any other day!” No matter whether you admit it or not this holiday often raises questions about proper dating etiquette. Who better to ask than a guy? We asked our guest blogger, Derrick Harris to answer some questions about Valentine’s Day that we know some of you have been dying to ask.

What should I do if I don’t have a lot of money, but still want to do something special for my boyfriend?
Ok, now it’s time to get creative, so let’s jump right into it! You have to figure out what will make your boyfriend smile. What will he get the most use out of? These gifts are the best because they require actual thought and time. Here are some good suggestions:

· Purchase a CD wallet from your local 99¢ Store. Download some of his favorite albums and burn them onto blank CDs. You can make as many as you want and personally design the CDs. He will appreciate your time and recognize the thought you put into it. He will also have all his favorite albums in one CD book that you made just for him.

· Another idea for a day or night out; take him out on a fondue night at the beach or park. You can make a nice set up grab some candles, blankets, and romantic music, and share some dessert (ex: candy, rice crispy treat, fruit & chocolate, etc). Fondue is fun and romantic. All you have to do is melt any type of chocolate in a container and use fruit (strawberries, apples, grapes etc.) marshmallows, candy, rice crispy treats to dip and share with your partner.

What are the top 5 Valentine’s Day presents that a girl should NOT give a guy?
1. Flowers
2. Attitude
3. Anything you got your last boyfriend
4. Huge stuffed animals
5. School supplies

How do I get a really cute boy in my class to notice me out of all the girls at school?
The easiest way is to talk to him. This guy has to know you exist. I would start out by just saying a quick “Hey” to him. This is the easiest way. He has to look at you square in the face for his “ManMind” to process. He will notice you from here on out. Guys are slow and scared. We need help opening our eyes and matching them to our heart and mind.

Do guys really care about Valentine’s Day?
Guys generally care whether they’re in a relationship or not. Whether we are in love, seeking love or would just rather play Madden 2010, we ALL still get that “Awww it’s Valentine’s Day” feeling like women. And just like women, a secret admirer makes us secretly melt. Guys care because women care.

I’ve only been dating my boyfriend for a month should I get him something for Valentine’s day?
Yes . Even if you guys have been dating since February 13th @ 11:59 p.m., a valentine kiss, dinner, movie, greeting card, school gram or vday hug is expected. Valentine’s Day is a 50/50 day for love, understanding and sharing token gifts. So unless you told him you all are not exchanging gifts, then I’m sure he has something for you too!

What should I do if I don’t like the present my boyfriend gets me?
Do NOTHING!!!!! Well, do something, but nothing initially. So he got you a “GUY’s Gift” that you don’t like. Ok, I admit guys do this. Accept the gift and smile like you love it. For future presents my advice would be to express what you like when you guys are at the mall or out on the town. Say “Wow, Derrick I love these UGG Boots. Wouldn’t they look great on me?” If your man doesn’t know what you like, then you gotta trick him.

How do guys feel about paying on a date? Is it the responsibility of the person who asks or should it be assumed that it’s the guy’s responsibility?
Money is a huge factor when it comes to dating. When a guy asks a girl on a date, he should pay for what he has PLANNED for the date. Likewise, when a girl asks a guy on a date, she should be prepared to pay. Most guys will offer to pay for at least a portion of the night (parking, drinks, movies). The problem is a typical date consisting of dinner and a movie (without movie food) totals over $50 dollars. If it’s a mutual date expect him to at least pay for himself. But always be prepared to have your own cash. Either way he wants to go out with you, so never let money hurt a good time.

Do guys prefer to approach women or would they mind if a women approaches them?
Guys have no real preference. But if you want him to be interested in you and he hasn’t picked up on your signals, you are going to have to step it up so he is aware.

How much is too much to spend on a Valentine’s Day present?
I wouldn’t say there is a limit, but you don’t want to put a lot of money and pressure on your man. Valentine’s Day is more about love and the thought behind the gift.

What’s an appropriate gift to get for a boyfriend on Valentine’s Day?
Guy’s like gifts just like women. For starters, I’d say get a blank card and tell him how you feel. Anything else is just icing on the cake. The best gift for any guy is something he will use often. These items might include hats, video games, shoes, shirts, iPod accessories, gift card to his favorite stores, etc.

--Derrick Harris
Guest Blogger

Derrick is a student at Cal Poly Pomona, majoring in Business Marketing. In his spare time he enjoys DJing.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing.Wish you n all a Happy Valentine's day ahead.

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