
Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Turn Vday into Me Day

It’s Valentine’s Day, you wake up and realize you have no red roses flooding your room, no box of chocolates on your dresser. Yup, another indicator that you’re single, but don’t panic.

The history of Valentine’s Day was one of passion and sorrow. St. Valentine was sentenced to execution because he was marrying young couples against the will of the Pope. He fell in love with the prison keeper’s daughter and before his execution, wrote her a letter signing it, “Your Valentine.” And from there this fad was born.

Being someone's valentine is much more than a fancy dinner or a dozen roses. It is a day to demonstrate your compassion towards your partner. Don't settle! Make sure they're really the one before you go out and buy them that "perfect gift" or spend a day at the mall looking for a pair of flats in the right shade of rose to match your new lip gloss. Ask yourself if it's worth it and if you find yourself questioning your so-called boo, forget the day of puppy love festivities and do something for yourself. It's okay to be single. Just because you don't have a valentine doesn't mean that you're not special. Think of February 14th as just another day in 2010 and take one day to focus on you! Still having trouble getting out of bed? Here's some ideas:

1. ALL THE SINGLE LADIES! Call your single friends over for a “Daddy’s Girls” marathon. Sit back and pop in the series DVD of Angela and Vanessa, two independent and fiery young ladies who don’t need any man but their daddy.

2. Lay off Facebook and Twitter! Stop snooping around trying to see what your ex is doing for their new boo. Resume tweeting on the 15th.

3. Catch up on all your work! Since Vday is on a Sunday this year, there is no excuse why you can’t spend the day getting well acquainted with that Math book that’s catching dust in your locker. Take your books to Starbucks and have a date with your homework.

4. Read a good book. OK, OK, I know for the most part, we don’t like to read unless it is assigned to us, but getting lost in a book is a perfect way to get your mind off of your single-ness. Head to Barnes and Nobles and be surrounded by escapes.

Like I said, just because you don’t have a “significant other” on Valentine’s Day, doesn’t mean that you have to be depressed. Go do something to get your mind off of it. Look at it this way, you could’ve been that prison-keeper’s daughter… <3

--Jessica Chapman
Jr Correspondent

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