
Friday, March 26, 2010

Brownstone Women's Spotlight: A Profile of Dr. Kari Williams

My interview with Dr. Kari Williams was refreshing and eye-opening. Have you ever heard the term “it’s a small world?” Well after getting some background information from her, I realized we went to the same college and graduated a year apart! To top that, we even had the same major of Mass Communications. Dr. Kari currently owns two healthy hair care studios in Beverly Hills, Mahogany Hair Revolution and Mahogany Too. Dr. Kari is a doctor of Trichology which is the study hair and scalp disorders. She has a Bachelors in Mass Communications from the University of California, Berkeley, a Masters in Nutrition from the International Institute of Trichology and received her Doctorate from the Elam Center of Psychology.

Martine Rouzan (MR): How long has Mahogany Hair Revolution been open?

Dr. Kari (DK): Mahogany Hair Revolution has been open about 3 years and my second shop, Mahogany Too has been open about 2 years. They are located in the same courtyard. Mahogany Hair Revolution specializes in natural hair services, while Mahogany Too is a more full service salon that can do weaves, straightening, etc.

MR: What inspired you to open?

DK: I've been doing hair my whole life. With my collegiate background, I didn't really see myself working in someone else's salon. It has always been my goal to own my own salon, and when my mom passed away that gave me the push I needed. I love doing hair!

MR: So this must have always been your dream, or did you have different goals when you were growing up?

DK: Because of my academic success, I didn't think doing hair was really a career option for me. I majored in Mass Communications while at UC Berkeley and saw myself focusing more on advertising and marketing as a career. However, in my second year I realized I needed to step out of the box and chase my dream.

MR: What do you enjoy most about your career?

DK: I'm doing what I love and getting paid for it. If I'm at home watching something I like on television, I can come into work, turn it back on and enjoy the program with my clients. All my clients are pleasant and sometimes it feels like I'm hanging out out all day. The hours are long and that makes me tired, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. I interact with a lot of great people.

MR: What are your future plans?

DK: I want to be the name people think of when it comes to natural hair care. With my background and the training I offer, I hope to become the leader in natural hair care. Eventually I would like to open shops in other parts of the country and even globally. I am also considering a product line; however I am building great relationships with a lot of vendors. I may use these relationships to partner up on future projects and shows revolving around natural hair care.

MR: What woman inspired you the most?

DK: Definitely my mom. She played a huge influence on where I am today. My mom wore her hair natural my whole life and encouraged me to do the same. She wore her hair in a short natural and then locks. She would always say as Black women we are told we don't have "wash & wear hair," but I do! I went through my phase of wanting my hair straightened, but never put any chemicals in my hair. My mom taught me to appreciate the texture of my hair and by 10th grade I stopped pressing my hair. I got teased at school in the beginning, but after a while people grew to like it and expected natural looks from me. I have been natural since 2000. My mom was really supportive of me opening Mahogany Hair Revolution. While everyone was questioning my decision, her support was a breath of fresh air.

MR: What advice can you give to our Brownstone readers?

DR: I want young girls to understand that hair plays a big role in self esteem. Images we see in the media project standards of beauty, but I encourage them to look first at where you are and discover your own beauty.

MR: What products do you stand by?

DK: The list could go on and on, but some of the products I really like are Carol's Daughter, Curls and Kinky-Curly.

MR: Thank you for your time Dr. Kari!

For more information about Dr. Kari and Mahogany Hair Revolution go to

-- Martine Rouzan
Brownstone Team

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