
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Doodling: The Latest Crime to Hit the Streets

Have you ever caught yourself zoning out in class? Your teacher is deep in the middle of a lecture. You see his or her mouth moving, but for some reason the words just aren't making it to your ears. Instead you find the masterpiece you've been doodling on your notebook for the past half hour to be of more importance. Maybe you have the artistic jean and you're drawing the next Picasso or maybe you're writing how much you hate the class you're in over and over again. For whatever reason, you start to doodle on your desk. It's light in pencil, but still clear enough to be seen by others. What would you do if you got caught and were arrested for doodling on school property?

Last month, Alexa Gonzalez (12 years old) was arrested for doodling on her desk at school. Yup, you read that right ARRESTED for DOODLING. I know you're probably thinking when did doodling become a crime? According to, Alexa was "frisked and hauled away to a police station" after doodling “I love my friends Abby and Faith” on her desk. She was suspended and a family court judge sentenced her to community service.

A bit extreme? Do you think Alexa deserved to be arrested for doodling on her desk? Did the punishment fit the crime? Let us know what you think!

--Tymika Morrison
Brownstone Team

1 comment:

  1. our school..we have offenses and we have minor and major I doodle but on my own property not on the school's our school she will have an offense if she does that..I think there's some kind of suspension or something.for us it's bad to have an offense..very much..when you do so much of the offenses you might have a recommended transfer or much worse..kick-out..that's the way private school works here in the Philippines..arrested, I think, is not the right term for a 12 year old child:)
