
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Drive Now...Text Later

Year after year, we are reminded by tragedies on the news, celebrity campaigns and new laws of how dangerous talking and texting while driving is. And year after year, some of us learn the hard way that these helpful hints exist for a reason. More and more teenagers die every year because they were distracted by the conversation in their ear or at their fingertips. Even after all the stories, statistics and traffic tickets, I still know more people who talk and text while driving than not, including myself.

It’s not that I’m trying to resist the laws that are enforced or put my life in danger. It’s just that when I see a police officer talking on his or her cell phone while driving I say to myself, “Oh…okay, this is (another) one of those safety laws that you can break, just don’t get caught breaking it!” I feel terrible thinking that, but let’s face it, the world around us does shape our behaviors, habits and perceptions. Maybe if teenagers and young adults like me weren’t enabled by all the technology out there, we wouldn’t feel so compelled to use it. Or, if our parents, employers, and friends didn’t expect an instant answer, we wouldn’t feel like we have to answer the phone or return texts and phone calls while we are driving.

However we slice it, all the rules in the world aren’t gonna change the way people drive, until they experience it firsthand. At the end of the day, talking and texting while driving is dangerous. If all drivers, not just teenagers, don’t change their phone habits and driving behavior, people are going to continue to put their lives in danger.

--Kyle Holland
Brownstone Team

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