
Monday, May 17, 2010

Spring Time Money Saving Blues

Summer is almost here and part of being a girl means you have the natural instinct to shop and keep up with the latest trends. Hair, nails, and make-up – you want it all, right? And now that you’re out of school, and (hopefully) looking for summer employment, you feel like you can afford everything. The truth of the matter is that while it seems like you’re rich one day, the next week, you could be in a completely different circumstance. One of the most important lessons I’ve learned in life thus far is “save it for a rainy day.” I do have to admit that I haven’t completely mastered the art of saving, and I hadn’t even realized it until I suddenly needed money for end of the school year expenses. (I want to look right for the summertime too!) I was at Forever 21 with my girls, who are much better at saving than me, and they were ready to go on a shopping spree. Knowing that I had just spent a lot of money to get my hair done, and still needed to save money for an upcoming trip home (gas prices are ridiculous), It was a very sad case.

Reality hit hard. There was no way to get around the fact that I wanted (actually, needed) this dress but didn’t have enough money in my budget for all of my upcoming plans. It was even worse when I had to call my mom and ask her for some money, admitting to her that I was financially irresponsible. Of course my mom gave me some extra funds, because moms are nice like that, but it didn’t come without a lecture on how to spend wisely. All of those times when I just had to eat out instead of cooking at home, or I just had to buy the whole outfit instead of just the top that I was looking for finally caught up with me. The whole experience could’ve been avoided had I budgeted accordingly.

Because I don’t want you to get the same lecture I had to endure, here are some tips for summertime saving:

1. Create a savings account. (You can even take it back to 2nd grade and get a piggy bank – whatever works lol) The name says it all; this money is not for spending. The only way you’ll save money is if you set aside a little bit over time, so exercise discipline. The first few weeks are the hardest, but you can do it!

2. Put 10% of your paycheck every 2 weeks into your brand new savings account!

3. Shop smarter. Before you go shopping, make a list of what you need, not what you want. There is a difference between the two. If it’s not on the list, don’t buy it. You’ll thank yourself later, I promise. And don’t be afraid to hit up that sales rack – cute things come to those who search.

4. Look for cheaper alternatives for fun. It’s the summertime and being outdoors is free. You can go to the beach, have a picnic, or even go running on some trails. Think of creative things to do with your friends that don’t break your wallet.

5. Make your own summertime treats. The recipes for summer goodies are endless and readily available on the Internet and in magazines. It’s much more fun to get some friends together and remix recipes to make popsicles and fun summer drinks like Raspberry Lemonade.

This summer is about saving, not spending. You never know when you’ll want to make a big purchase (like Erykah Badu concert tickets =] )

--Brittany Allen
Brownstone Intern

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