
Friday, May 14, 2010

Brownstone 2.0 Tech Corner: May Issue

Got Something to Say? Let’s take it Online!

Teen X: Ask me anything
Teen Y: Is it true that Jason kissed Jennifer after 3rd period today?
Teen X: Yuuup! I don't know why tho...she's an undercover hoe!

And scene! That was an example of some of the talk appearing on the new social networking site, Formspring has become the modern day bathroom wall for gossip. Forget about hearing gossip in the streets or reading about it on a piece of paper passed around the classroom. Now people not only talk about you behind your back, but they’re posting it online too!

In the last couple of months thousands of teens have joined the free site. On Formspring, you can pose questions like: Do you think I’m pretty? Who do you think is the ugliest girl in our algebra class? How many boys have you kissed? Like most social networking sites, users can link their Formspring account to their Twitter or Facebook pages, then invite their friends to ask questions and post comments. The interesting part is that you can answer a question or post a comment without revealing your identity. Comments and questions go into a private mailbox, where the user can ignore, delete or answer them. Only the answered ones are posted publicly.

So, what's the problem? It depends on the question or the comment being made. You may use the site to post silly questions. But many others use it for more intimate topics or cyberbullying even. Many teens have gotten their feelings hurt over comments about their appearance or personality. It's definitely not cool to have someone call you an "undercover hoe" on a public website.

Be mindful of the questions you pose and the comments you leave. Most importantly, someone's feelings are at stake, but I think teens also forget the web is forever. Remember Google is the new encyclopedia. People use it all the time to look up all sorts of information. Even employers! How would you feel if you got passed up for a job because the recruiter found the anonymous Formspring comment posted about you being a "slut" when they googled your name? People are passed up for jobs all the time because of the information found about them online whether it is true or not. If it looks bad, then it probably is to the outside eye. That's why you should think twice when you post personal or incriminating information/photos on these social network sites.

There is nothing wrong with posting questions on sites like Formspring for your friends to answer. However, keep it clean, classy and fun ladies! Since you have control over what goes public, be careful to avoid questions or comments that degrade your or someone else's character. It's hard to tell you not to gossip because we ALL do it. But DON'T do it online because you're leaving a permanent trail for someone to find. Don't get petty, keep the drama OFFline!

--Tymika Morrison
Brownstone Team

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