
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Let's Move!

In February, First Lady Michelle Obama launched her national public awareness campaign called "Let's Move" to fight against childhood obesity. I’m sure it’s no surprise that America has an obesity problem, but did you know?
  • 1 in 3 American children is overweight or obese. These children face higher risks of developing diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and other illnesses.
  • Billions (Yes, that's a one followed by NINE zeros!) of dollars are spent every year treating obesity-related conditions.
  • Today's children (that's you) are on track to have shorter lifespans than their parents.

Shocking, right? I bet you never thought about obesity being a problem in your age group. But sadly it is and thanks to the First Lady, Americans are finally getting a wake up call. This is an epidemic that not only effects adults, but children as well. And as corny as it may sound, YOU are our future and we need you around to help build upon our legacy. So, let's take a look at the program.

Here are the key goals of the “Let’s Move” campaign:
1. Help parents make better food choices
2. Serve healthier food in school vending machines and lunch lines
3. Make healthier food more available and affordable
4. Encourage children to exercise more

You may be thinking that this campaign is for parents and schools to enforce, but you can play a part too.
  • Help your parent's with the grocery list. Remind them to get healthier food (i.e. fruits, salads, etc) for the house instead of junk food. You don't have to stop eating McDonalds and In N Out, but make sure there's a balance.
  • Bring healthy snacks instead of buying junk from the vending machines. (My recommendation: Try POPchips, they're a healthier version of potato chips.) Think of it this way: the less money you spend at school, the more money you can put towards fun stuff like clothes and CDs.
  • Walk (if you can) to school instead of drive. Get your walk on instead of spending money on overpriced gas whenever you can. (Believe me your parents will thank you)
  • You can even make walking around the mall your exercise routine. Why not? You probably spend a lot of your time there anyways.
  • On Saturday morning instead of watching cartoons, get a group of friends together and walk or jog around the block. You can use this time to catch up on all the latest gossip. Or invite friends over to do a workout video. I know that are a bunch of videos on YouTube.
Don't like my ideas? Then get creative and create a plan that you can follow through. Remember that the campaign is about making healthy choices, not trying to lose weight to look like your favorite celebrity. Making the right nutrition choices will enable you to live a healthier life and feel better physically about yourself. And in addition to eating healthier, it's time to get active. Get up from in front of the TV...close your laptop and do something. Eating healthy is only part of the equation. You need to exercise as well. So, let's get a move on it!

--Tymika Morrison
Brownstone Team

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