
Friday, June 18, 2010

Happy Father's Day: Celebrating the Men in Our Lives

This Sunday is Father's Day. Don't forget to honor the men (fathers, grandfathers, uncles) who have made an influential mark in your life. Take some time out of your day to show them you appreciate them! Check out the Brownstone Team as they celebrate their fathers.

Tymika: My dad and I may not have the closest relationship, but I know that he supports me unconditionally. I am truly thankful that no matter what is going on he will step up to the plate to be there for me. I appreciate his words of encourage and know that he is proud of me know matter what happens.

Kyle: My dad means a WHOLE lot to me. Where he’s been in life and all that he’s accomplished has really had a positive and uplifting impact on my life. He has always been there for all the good times, and has coached (literally coached…lol) me through any trying times. And it’s the sacrifices that he’s made as to why I’ve had so few trying times in the first place. My life has been GREAT! and I am honored to be his daughter. Not many people can say they have a dad, let alone one like mine and THAT’s WASSUP!

Brittany: I love my father because he taught me fundamental lessons in life that have greatly influenced the person I am today. As an athlete, he taught me to win, but more than that, to play hard. There are things beyond my personal control in life, just like on the court, and at the end of the day, I want to look back and say I gave it my all. He taught me that success isn't an option, but an expectation - perception is everything. I can't achieve it if I can't dream it and I'm so thankful that he's encouraged each and every one of mine. I love you daddy, Happy Father's Day!

Don't forget to share with us what your father (uncle, grandfather) means to you!

--Brownstone Team

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