
Monday, June 21, 2010

Me Time = The Best Summer Time

With all of the activities that typically fill your school year schedule, between classes, sports, and work, it’s hard to find the time to stay centered. Time seems like such an intangible and uncontrollable force, but if you use it wisely, it can be your best friend. Or at least it can work with you instead of against you. Now that summer is here, you may have more time on your hands than you’re used to and boredom might be lurking if you don’t get a hold of it. And sometimes it’s hard to coordinate with your friends and their schedules, or maybe you’re not always looking to hang out with a large crowd all of the time. The good thing is that now you have the time to focus on yourself!

This isn’t to say that you need to instantly become a hermit and close yourself off to the world, but it’s okay to take some quiet moments and discover your inner self. And since it is summer, now is a great time to be outside and enjoy the beautiful weather.

Here are some good ways to relax and celebrate with a party for 1:
Listen to Private Party by India.Arie – It’s one of my favorite songs and since it’s India, you already know it’s good. Make a complete playlist with all of your favorite songs that can lift your mood and take you to another place.

Find a good book to read – Whether you need to reconnect spiritually, or you just want a fun adventure or love story to get lost in, Barnes and Noble and Borders have what you need. Maybe it’s the nerd in me, but getting lost in a book is so relaxing. Have you read the Twilight series yet? (Eclipse comes out in theatres June 30th!!)

Write poetry – Maybe you’ve never dabbled in writing before, but it’s one of the most therapeutic things you can do. Get a notepad and a pen, or even use a laptop to just list your thoughts and see how you really feel about some things.

Give yourself a makeover! - Head to toe, just go crazy! Not really lol but don’t be afraid to try a new hairstyle or color that you’ve been afraid to try before. (Keep in mind that if you’re going to dye your hair, make sure you’re not mixing too many chemical processes.) Pick a bright nail color and change up your style.

Do yoga – Building up your physical strength while also paying attention to your inner peace is important. Yoga is great for all of the above. And you don’t even have to take a class regularly because you can do poses in your room, or anywhere else for that matter.

Write a list of personal goals and set a timeline for completing them – Nothing feels better than accomplishing things you’ve been focused on for a long time.

Just remember that this summer doesn’t have to be spent on the couch or on extravagant vacation trips. Take some time for yourself and become a better you.

--Brittany Allen
Brownstone Intern

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