
Monday, February 28, 2011

Feeling Fabulous: An Interview with Jessica Burks

It's not often that you meet a young woman under the age of 25 that is the CEO her own company. It's also uncommon for a young African-American woman to found a company based on improving the self-esteem of other young women. Jessica Burks is no ordinary woman and she founded Feeling Fabulous, an organization that concentrates on women and their self-esteem. Feeling Fabulous' mission is to encourage women around the world to "unleash and enhance their inner diva." We were eager to find out more about this organization and this extraordinary woman so the Brownstone Blog got the chance to chat with Jessica and this is what we found out:

When and why did you decide to create this unique organization?

Feeling Fabulous entered my heart in November of 2009 and the organization launched on January 1, 2010! I was inspired to start Feeling Fabulous after completing a workbook entitled " 30 days at 100%" by Crystal Wright (who is now my personal mentor). At the time my self confidence was so low and that book helped me ssooo much I wanted to reach out to women all over the world and inspire them in my own way! For my 30 days I looked in the mirror every morning and said out LOUD..."I feel FABULOUS!"

What are your plans for Feeling Fab in 2011?

For 2011 I plan on having our first Feeling Fabulous convention, and work with more of the local Jr. High Schools.

Brownstone strives to honor women of color. Are there any women that you consider an inspiration? If so, why?

I would honor my mother ( Sherri Burks Terrell). She's my number one cheerleader/fan, and stands by my side to make sure that I fulfill my hopes and dreams with Feeling Fabulous.

What are three words that you would use to describe yourself?

Blessed, Fabulous, Bashful :)

What kind of legacy would you like to create?

I would like for all my Feeling Fab members to remember me as a positive, risk taker who truly believes that with God your destination is endless.

Anything else you'd like to share with our readers?

I just want everyone to know that you all have an inner diva. Sometimes we just need to unleash & enhance her! We are all beautiful and made just how God wants us to be! Keep you head up and know that the rainbow only follows the storm. Whatever situation you might be going through, know that God will always takes your bad and makes it work for your good!

-- Alexandria Bland
Brownstone Intern


  1. Great interview...she is very inspiring :-)

  2. Great job Jessica...keep up the great work. Thanks improving the self esteem of women. Cheers:-)
