
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Trail Blazing Women in my Life

This month is all about trail blazing women. The women who have made an impact in Black history. I took this opportunity to write about everyday women that are in my life, that aren’t necessarily acknowledged for the work they do but have impacted me in a tremendous way. These women have helped me work through problems and make solutions out of predicaments I was in. The trail blazing women in my life are my grandma Gloria Williams and my godmother Gwen Fortier.

My grandma was always my shelter to go to when I was sad, mad, depressed or getting in trouble. She would always console me as well as discipline me in a way that I understood. My grandma is the most genuine person I have ever met. If you looked in the dictionary under philandtrophy you would see a picture of my grandma. She just gives and gives no matter if she doesn’t have. I remember when I was younger she had about one hundred pairs of nice, expensive shoes and gave more than half of them away to anyone who wanted or needed them at the time. She would always provide a home for those in the family who needed. She even started a day care, where she watched our family as well as friend's kids and took them under her wing. My grandma was always lending an open hand to family and close friends, but she even took it further and always gave to homeless. If she had even a little to give to them such as food, even if it was down to our last bit my grandma was there to give it. This was just astonishing to me how someone would just give and give but never ask for anything in return. This act of giving and just caring for others became the foundation of my life. Because my grandma lended a hand in raising me, I always knew to take others into consideration before myself. She taught me to think of yourself last and you will benefit from it later. Those who don’t need to be recognized for lending a hand are those that truly care. My grandma on top of giving and lending a hand always loved no matter what. Despite the fact of what you have done to her, she always forgave you and prayed for for you in the process. You feel the love around her and she truly shines form the inside out which is why she is a trail blazing women in my life. And I acknowledge her for it everyday.

I also admire my godmother Gwen Fortier. Gwen is my formal music director’s wife. She is the epitome of what I want to be like when I grow up. Her determination and drive in life just shows through her work. She is just an amazing singer and devotes her life to music. On top of being the leader of our sopranos section she always has a very busy job and has a growing family. On top of that she is a lead vocalist, who has such a beautiful and anointing voice that you get chills when she sings. She always consoles me on my life as well as keep me in check. This act of maternalship is something any young women needs in growing up in life. The fact that she is so open about her life teaches me to not make the same mistakes she did. Her act of independence as well as her soulful and beautiful spirit makes her a trailblazing women in my life.

Trailblazing women don’t necessarily have to be someone who have won a noble peace prize or is well known within your community. Everyday we are surronded by strong women who nmake huge impacts in your life. My godmother and my grandmother are trailblazing women because they helped shape me and mold me to become a woman. And maybe one day through the knowledge they have taught me and the wisdom as well as the guidance they have given me; I will become a trail blazing woman also.

-- Jamiah King
Jr Correspondent


  1. I'm new to the blog, but I have a few comments:

    Someone should edit some of these posts before allowing them to be put online. Instead of allowing young women to post personal diary entries about their hair and family, there should be content that all can benefit from. Lastly, it's called the NOBEL Prize and "surrounded" is spelled wrong.

    Great intentions though.
