
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

That’s So 2009!

Can you believe that 2009 is coming to an end? I sure can’t! With the New Year practically here, I’m sure you’re beginning to think about ways to improve and change your lives for the New Year. I would recommend jumping into the New Year as a fearless young woman. But I know first hand, that is easier said than done! Whether it’s talking to your crush, trying out for the varsity team or running for student council sometimes the fear of rejection can get in the way of accomplishing our goals and resolutions.

Practice Makes Perfect
– I know, I know this is an old phrase your mom used to tell you, but it’s so true! Realistically, how can you expect to be on the varsity cheer squad if you don’t practice? If this is something you want, you have to give it your all and that means dedicating a lot of time to it. The best part about practicing is that it builds your confidence. Once you’ve gotten your cheer routine down, you know it like the back of your hand. You can even practice the conversation you want to have with your crush. Make a list of things you would want to say or practice in the mirror.

Speech Class – I know this may sound a little extreme, but think about taking a speech class. I used to be terrified of public speaking, until I took a speech class. Running for class president may seem out of reach if you can’t imagine speaking in front of a large room of people. A lot of you may have speech classes offered at your high schools, but they are also offered at local community colleges. Check out course schedules online and the best part of all, this will help you get over your fears and earn some college credit while you’re at it. If you don’t have the time or funds for a community college class, gather a small group of friends to practice your speech in front of. Each week, add a few more people until you become more comfortable.

Ask for Help – Don’t ever be afraid to ask for help. Advice from your friends, parents or coaches can help you to overcome your obstacles. Reaching out to older cousins or counselors can help you to find out how they accomplished the same goals when they were your age. Many times we forget that there is someone who has already been there, done that. Use their advice to your advantage – and don’t forget that the Brownstone Team is a resource for advice as well!

All goals can be accomplished if you put your mind to it. Don’t let your fears get in the way. Use these tips to build your confidence and attain your dream! Happy New Year!

-- Martine Rouzan
Brownstone Team

Monday, December 28, 2009

Get set...Ready....Go!

The New Year is just around the corner and it’s the perfect time to set new personal goals. Whether you’re making the commitment to spend more time with your family & friends or improve your grades, it should feel good to enter the New Year with optimism and confidence. My goal for the New Year is to really focus on my health and achieve my fitness goals. I know. Totally not original! But I’m starting to realize that being healthy plays a huge role when it comes to pursuing my goals and having a great life. So guys (and gals) here is my plan….


Most people who know me know that food is the perfect way to my heart. I love to eat! So, entering a new year with better nutrition in mind is going to be interesting, and I know I’m gonna need some help. I know many people who have done Weight Watchers and it truly works. Their online points program does the trick….but I’m broke! No worries because I found something better. It’s called SparkPeople and it’s a FREE online diet manager. This program helps you to keep track of your caloric intake, view fitness and exercise demos and find your new favorite healthy recipes. It’s online, so it can’t get any more convenient than that…right?


I know exercise can be really boring, but I also know that if you switch it up and do different things, it can be really fun and way more effective. It helps that I have a gym membership so for me, variation comes with ease. But in case you don’t have a gym membership there are lots of free or low cost exercise options around town. For example, there are a lot of great parks and trails in LA that can offer you a great cardio workout. I usually walk or jog the track that runs along stocker between La Brea and Don Felipe. And the infamous Valley Ridge hill is really good to for a cardio and leg workout. Sometimes I like to bike ride from Venice beach to Santa Monica promenade. It’s fun and low cost and before you know it, you’re done with your exercise for the day. I would also suggest in home workouts like sit-ups, squats, and workout dvds…. My plan is to have as much fun as I can and let the rest fall into place.


Okay so with a better diet and a consistent, fun exercise regimen, maintaining a healthy lifestyle should be fairly simple….if you can manage to stay motivated. My motivation plays a huge role when it’s cold outside and I don’t feel like working out, or like now around the holidays when all the cookies and cakes are calling my name. It’s easier to not fall into bad habits when you have a clear end goal in mind. Whether it’s simply fitting into more clothes when you’re shopping at the mall, or looking the best at Prom, have your goals in mind and commit to them. They will help you achieve your new nutrition and fitness goals and live a healthier life.

If you have any suggestions or tricks that can help us all achieve these goals, please share! It’s no secret that our community suffers from diseases and conditions that result from poor diets and lack of exercise. Let’s all make the commitment to do better…k? Get set…ready…go!

--Kyle Holland
Brownstone Team

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Subtlety is the Best Way to Make a Statement

Fall and Winter are arguably the best season to show off your style. With all the different looks that are possible by mixing and matching accessories (scarves, jewelry, accessories, handbags) with various outfit combinations (from leggings and a cute, to skirts and patterned tights), the possibilities are endless. However,one detail that can make or break your look is your nails.

It may seem like a minor detail that you might only pay attention to if you have an upcoming event, but in all actuality, your nails makes an impression. Especially, during the holiday season - when yo might meet an unexpected cutie at a holiday/New Year's party ;) - don't be caught with your guard down. Before we even get to color, the most important part is simple maintenance. Of course, not every girl is a certified professional manicurist, but you don't have to be. And learning how to maintain your own nails will (A) save you money in the long run and (B) give you control over your look instead of having to be dependent on a professional. No matter what maintaining a clean and neat look is key.
  • Start by clipping the ends of your nails, but not too much because you can manipulate the shape (squared or oval) and length with a file.
  • Clean your nails - Even with polish, dirt under the nails may be visible and we all grown enough to handle that.

  • File and shape - It's important to only file in one direction in order to avoid splitting the nail. Pay attention to the natural shape of your nails because that is probably the most flattering shape. Keep checking your progress though because one you file/cut it off, it's gone.

Check out any local beauty supply store or drug store like CVS, Rite Aid to manicure/pedicure kits. Also try these cute and inexpensive nail kits:

Now it’s time to pick the color. Last season was all about looking edgy with EXTRA dark hues of black, navy, chocolates, and deep reds. For the most part, we are still in that trend, but in a revamped way. Instead of a basic shiny nail, the “in-thing” is matte nails or on the opposite side of the spectrum, metallic nails, like chrome, graphite, and bronze. Harsh blacks may be too much this season, but if you really have the urge for a dark color, I'd suggest these instead:

  • Gray - a better choice because it isn't as harsh as black, but is still dramatic enough

  • Navy - a litte different (in a good way), and again, not as harsh as black

  • Chocolate - you can never go wrong with dark brown shades because it compliments any skin color, especially all our ours :)

  • Red - bright red is a no-no, but deeper hues closer to burgundy or a deep wine makes a sophisticated statement

  • Skin tone (nude, taupe, chocolate) - always a classy choice and always in style because it's understated, yet fresh and noticeable

Some brands that are known for their attention to style trends include various collections by OPI, Zoya, Revlon, and Essie.

The key is to pick rich, deep, solid colors. Frosty versions can be cute too, but be careful because you’ll notice that these are quite different from metallic tones. If you’ve never worn some of these colors, you might feel like it looks too different, but work it honey! The way you carry yourself despite what you’re wearing on your nails, head, feet, and body is what people will ALWAYS pay attention to. Let your style speak for itself!

--Brittany Allen
Brownstone Intern

Brittany is a sophomore communications major at USC, where she also writes for Helen, USC's first women's magazine.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Cramps, Cramps, GO AWAY

So, it’s that time of the month…AGAIN! You’re cramping so bad you don’t want to get out of the bed. You have a never ending headache, none of your clothes seem to fit the way they did a week ago, and all you want to do is lie in the bed and eat chunky monkey ice cream. You have tried every trick in the book to relieve this feeling…yet nothing works! Unfortunately, as women this is just an act of nature that we have to go through each month. But, the good thing about it is there are things that you can do to somewhat ease the side effects of your monthly visitor.

It is first important to understand what your period and menstrual cycle are. The period is a major stage of puberty in girls and is part of the female reproductive cycle. This means that the period is a physical sign of one becoming a woman. During the period, a female experiences bleeding along with the cramps, headaches, and bloating, etc. It usually lasts for 3-7 days. The amount of time between a girls’ period is called the menstrual cycle. The cycle is counted from the start of one period to the next. The cycle between periods may be anywhere between 21 and 45 days. Most often the cycle is either 21 or 28 days. Some females have irregular cycles and birth control pills are one method of regulating the monthly cycle. Now, that you have some information on what your period is…I’m sure you want to know the secret to it being less miserable.

Cramps are caused by a chemical that causes the muscles in the woman’s uterus to contract. There are many different methods that people use to try to combat those much dreaded cramps, but I have found a method that I like to call “The Combo” to be the all around best. I too use to experience the type of cramps that ruin your whole week, until I got a little bit of advice from my favorite doctor…my aunt (Dr.Rosilin Wright). The components of “The Combo” are as follows:

1. Start taking ibuprofen the week before your period starts. Learn how to count the days between your periods so that you will know when to start taking the medicine.

2. Use a heating pad: When at home place an electric heating pad on the lower part of your stomach. Most local convenience stores also sell the disposable heating pads that can be worn throughout the day.

3. Keep ibuprofen in your system while your period is on. For example, if you take 2 pills, be sure to take them every 4 hours.

4. Stay active: Exercise regularly, this helps to lessen the cramps.

Please note that if you still experiencing extreme cramps (even after trying this method), you should consult with your physician because there may be something else going on with your body.

I hope that you have a clear understanding of what your menstrual cycle is and how to combat those cramps! Now, take these suggestions, run with them and don’t let your time of the month keep you from doing the things you love to do! Embrace your womanhood and take it in stride!

--Nakeitra Hill, Guest Blogger
Nakeitra Hill is a graduate of Mississippi State University. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences along with a Master of Science degree in Health Education/ Health Promotion. Nakeitra is also a Certified Health Education Specialist and Personal Trainer who is passionate about the health of the African-American community.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

TOO CUTE for the Cold?

It’s no secret, winter is the coldest season of the year, but just because it gets cold doesn’t mean fashion stops. In case you haven’t noticed, fashion stops for no one…and as the saying goes, “the show MUST go on” and if the show must go on, why not be the star of it!

Brownstone has the latest secrets to help you look your best this winter season, whether you’re the girl who’s hair is too cute for the cold, who’s skin is too cute for the cold, or fashion taste is too cute to be bundled-up. No worries, we've got your back!

Three things to remember this winter fashion season: Bright Colors, Accessories, and Pea Coats!!!

Bright CoLors: Usually bright colors are associated with summer and spring fashion, but if you’re like me and own lots of kelly greens and royal blues, you have to find a way to add that color to your winter fashion.

Try pairing your bright colors with black, tweed, gray, or winter white and you’ll still look too cute simultaneously bundled up!

Bring out you bright spring scarves and pair it with a black turtleneck and a black pencil skirt…too cute!

Accessories: Winter is the best time to bring out all the accessories. Beanies/ berets, umbrellas, scarves, tights and gloves. But try not to over do it. The younger you are the more accessories you may have, but for all the high school students, stick to 2, no more than 3 accessories.

If you’re worried about your hair, try a beret and gloves.

If you’re worried about your skin, cover it up as much as possible by wearing tights with boots and fashionable gloves.

Pea Coats: A nice winter coat is a must. Pea coats screams “ classy, sophisticated, going places,” and did I mention it will keep you warm!!!

Pea coats can be expensive, so shop places like Macy’s during a one-day sale. Macy’s currently has a Rampage pea coat on sale, originally $89.00, but it can be yours for $49.00.

If $49.00 is to rich for your blood, try shopping at a thrift store. Be sure to get the coat cleaned. To make it your own, replace the buttons!!

Hope these tips helped! Send us questions if you need help getting those outfits together!

--LaSaunda Tate
Guest Blogger

LaSaunda is a director at McCullum Youth Court (MYC) in Oakland, CA. For more fashion advice, e-mail LaSaunda at

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Announcing the Brownstone Book Club

Join Brownstone this winter as we read the thriller Marked by PC and Kristin Cast

Pick up Marked over the break and get started! Our book club begins January 4th - 31st, 2010.
Sign-up at for more details!
See you in January!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Our Princess Is Here

There's a new princess in the Disney family and her name is Tiana. And if you haven't heard by now, she's black. :) 'The Princess and the Frog' hit theatres Friday and was number 1 at the box office this weekend. I don't know about you, but I'm extremely excited about Disney's first African American princess. Finally right? It's been way overdue! I never understood why it took so long. Over the years, we watched Disney create an Arabic princess (Jasmine), a Native American character (Pochantas) and even an Asian (Mulan) leading lady, but never was she black.

Growing up, there weren't too many cartoons characters (especially princesses) that looked like me. Looking back, it kinda made me feel left out. I can't speak for every girl, but I bet plenty of girls wanted to be a princess when they were younger. Playing dress-up as Belle (Beauty and the Beast) or Princess Jasmine (Aladdin) didn't ruin your childhood, but I'm happy that little black girls will now have a princess that they can play with or aspire to be that looks like them. Even though I'm older now, it makes me feel proud that we have a black Disney character that is beautiful and smart that the world can see.

Luckily, I was able to see a sneak peak of the film this past May. I loved the movie! I thought that Disney did a great job with the character of Tiana. I felt that she was positively represented. I didn't see any negative depictions of African Americans. I know that there was some controversy about the prince not being black, but that honestly didn't bother me (too much). I felt that the story had a good message overall that made up for that. Those were just a couple of my thoughts and I know that there are some people out there who would disagree with me. I could get into a deeper discussion, but I want to leave that to you. What are you thoughts about 'The Princess and the Frog?' Did Disney get it's first black princess right? Let's talk about it...

--Tymika Morrison
Brownstone Team

Friday, December 11, 2009

10 Things to Do this Holiday Season!

1. Bake Santa some Cookies – Get some family and friends together, play some music, and bake your favorite desserts. Don’t limit yourself to chocolate chip cookies – look up new recipes that sound interesting or combine recipes to make your version of popular desserts, or even holiday beverages.

2. Go Ice Skating – You can find rinks near local malls, especially downtown. Nighttime is the best time to enjoy the holiday experience – everything is lit up and festively decorated. Be sure to dress warm and bring a camera to capture candid moments.

3. Go Christmas Light Viewing – Most cities have a popular neighborhood that’s known for the best light displays. Google your area’s best Christmas light displays, pile in the car, and enjoy the ride!

4. Feed the Homeless – Visit your local shelter and spend an hour or two when you have some free time. Tis’ the season for giving!

5. Collect Toys for Children or Teens – Teenagers are the ‘forgotten group’ during the holiday season because most people associate toys with younger children. You can buy new, unwrapped gifts and drop them off at a local shelter or any Toys for Tots receptacles, typically found near grocery stores.

6. Write Christmas Cards for Local Women’s Shelters – Nothing compares to the affection and warm bond with another female. Handmade cards simply wishing peace and love this season are easy and fun to make.

7. Have a Holiday Photo Shoot with the Girls (and guys) – Dress up in holiday colors (red, green, white, blue, silver) and bribe your friend who’s always taking Facebook pictures to be the official photographer. Put on some holiday music in the background and be fierce!

8. Watch your Favorite Christmas Movies – You can’t go wrong with Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, or Chris Brown’s This Christmas. Get your hot chocolate and a cozy blanket to make this night complete.

9. Exercise Artistic Flair while Wrapping Presents – Festive gift bags can be fun, but it’s more personal to wrap presents with special consideration of the recipient. Curl ribbons and use non-traditional decorations like candy – use your imagination!

10. Sing Christmas Carols – We all have our favorite Jackson 5, Temptations, and Donnie Hathaway version of Merry Christmas. This is the time to turn the volume all the way up and groove – get in the spirit and celebrate the best time of the year!

--Brittany Allen
Brownstone Intern

Welcome our newest intern, Brittany Allen to the blog! Brittany is a sophomore communications major at USC, where she also writes for Helen, USC's first women's magazine. Brittany strongly believes in our mission to empower young girls of color. We are extremely excited to have her on our team!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Check me Out!

Crushes can be fun and then they can be agonizing. Fun if he’s showing interest in you by flirting back and agonizing when it seems as if he doesn’t even know you’re alive. Let’s keep it real…it can suck, especially when the girl who is known for being fast is pulling out all her tricks to get his attention too. So what do you do? Of course you want to get him to notice you, but you don’t want to lose respect for yourself in the process. So, I want you to put away that dress that shows everything ya mama gave you and take notes! Here are some DO’S and DON’TS to getting your crush to take that second look and check you out:


  • Talk to him. Introduce yourself. Say hi if you pass him the hall. Ask how he’s doing. Talking to him will open up communication between the two of you. Guys like it when you show interest in the things they like to do.
  • Friend him on Facebook. Ask him to be your friend on FB then you can post cute pictures of you and your friends. But remember to keep it classy ladies! Believe me if he likes what he sees he’ll be hitting you up. Don’t overdo it with FB though, you don’t want to become a stalker. (see below)
  • Wear a nice perfume. Don’t bathe in it though…use in moderation! When you pass him in the hall, he’ll get a whiff and he may just compliment you on your fragrance. Guys like the smell of something sweet.
  • Offer to help me. Maybe your crush is having trouble in Spanish or some other class. Offer to work with him (don’t do the work for him) during lunch or after school. You can gain his respect, friendship and trust at the same time.
  • Be yourself! Don’t try and act different to catch a guy’s attention. I hate to sound cliché, but if he doesn’t accept you for you then he’s not for you. Therefore you need to keep it pushin’!


· Be quiet. A closed mouth doesn’t get fed. If you never say anything to him then he’ll really never know that you exist. I know it can be scary, but if he’s worth it you’ll take the risk.

· Wear revealing clothes. Hoochie clothing is not cute! You don’t want to send the wrong message and get more than you can handle.

· Stock his Facebook page. You might come off a little thirsty if you’re the only one leaving comments on all of his picture/wall.

· Stare obsessively. If he catches you staring at him too many times he may think you’re a little psycho.

· Let your friends talk for you. Your friends aren’t the ones who like him. You are…so do the talking. Besides it can start to annoy guys when they keep getting bombarded with questions from your friends. Plus, you wouldn’t want him to start liking one of your friends…

--Tymika Morrison
Brownstone Team

Friday, December 4, 2009

Go Green for the Holidays

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year.” Well, not if our environment has to suffer from it. Did you know that many of the holiday traditions we practice each year are damaging to the atmosphere? I found out that there is a whole lot we can do to be more eco-friendly, expecially during the holiday season. Now, I’m not an eco-friendly mainiac or anything, but once I found out all the ways I can put a new twist on this holiday season, I got excited. There are big and small things we can all do to make a huge difference in the quality of our environment. Interestingly, many of these changes target the things we take for granted. For example, driving all around town trying to find that perfect gift. Or, decorating the tree with our favorite ornaments and wraping each and every gift so that it looks perfect. There are eco-friendly convenient and creative alternatives to things like these that make our holiday season even more memorable. Here are some ideas:

Seed Paper Ornaments

This is a great way to kick-start your holiday season. Seed Paper ornaments are paper ornaments that come in various shapes, and sizes that you hang on your Christmas tree like any other ornament. When Christmas is over, you can plant the ornament and watch your plants or flowers (depending on the types of seeds) and feel great about giving back to our environment.Check out more options for earth friendly ornaments and gifs.

Online shopping

Many of you may already be used to online shopping, but for those who are not…here is another reason why it’s beneficial (to you and the environment). You don’t have to waste gas/money driving all around the city, going to crowded malls, and spending ridiculous amounts of money. Instead, enjoy great deals while you shop at home give our air a break from your exhaust pipes.

Wrapping paper

This Christmas, try using eco friendly wrapping paper and decorations. They are just as nice to look at and a fun way to being creative with a great purpose. These gift wrapping alternatives eliminate the costs associated with the manufacturing paper and all the waste disposal that really takes a toll on our environment. There are really nice fabric gift bags, and things you can turn into gift wrapping paper like old newspapers or calendars or wallpaper. Try it! These are just some fun ideas I came across.

Be different! Go green this holiday season!

--Kyle Holland
Brownstone Team

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Gift Giving Gals

Well it’s December 1st and no matter what holiday you celebrate, the season is officially here! I heard holiday music on the radio this morning, I keep seeing decorations popping up left and right and I have even started pulling out those warm sweaters from the back of the closet. I love this season for the family, food and of course gift giving! I started my shopping early by catching some great deals during Black Friday. But I know many of you may have missed that opportunity and are wondering what to buy and how to save money doing it.

Even though Black Friday has passed, that doesn’t always mean the deals are long gone. Check the Sunday papers and retail websites for weekly ads at your favorite stores. Since the economy is still in a slump, retailers are eager to offer deals to get you in the door. Look out for deals such as buy one get one free, door buster deals or money back if you spend a certain amount. Shopping online can be beneficial as well. Sometimes there are special online offers not available in the stores. Another online perk is potential free shipping, so make sure you figure out how to meet the free shipping requirements before you check out. This means you’ll be able to get a good deal without leaving your home and without having to deal with the holiday crowds! This sounds like a win-win to me!

Make your money work for you. If you are on a limited budget, get creative. One example is breaking up a gift set. You might be able to find a great spa set that has two lotions, three body washes, and other great goodies. You don’t have to give the entire basket to one person. Break it up and individually wrap a lotion with another small item like a lip balm or nail polish. Because of the economy, now more than ever, the phrase “it’s the thought that counts” is holding true. Your friends will love the fact that you thought of them and I doubt they’ll be thinking about not getting a huge gift basket from you. Another inexpensive gift is accessories. You can always find a great pair of earrings or a bracelet for under $10. Get accessories in your friends’ favorite colors and styles.

Want to save even more? Answer this question… Who are you spending time with during the holidays? If you’re having quality time with just the family, shop for just them first and save the shopping for your friends until the day after Christmas. Just like Black Friday, you will find wonderful savings during the after Christmas sales. Plan to get together with your friends sometime before New Years to exchange gifts. You can also decide to play a Secret Santa game amongst your friends. Write down the names of each of your friends on a piece of paper, throw everyone’s name into a hat and have each person pick one name. Set a price limit and voila, you are now only on the hook for one gift. The benefit of this is you can buy one person a really nice gift instead of having to stretch your money.

How are you saving money during the holidays? Share your stories…

-- Martine Rouzan
Brownstone Team